Chapter 13

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Quick A/N before the chapter!

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that's being patient with me and my writing but this will probably be a long chapter since writing brings down my stress level and i got really stressed out today and its only my second day of school.

So here it is!

Hiccup's POV

I can not belive we just found another Skrill. And it's little and looks hurt. I had Mercy run back to the village to find Valka so shecould help us see what's wrong with it. Once they came back mom rushe over to it.

"How did you find her?" She asked.

"It's a her?" Mercy questioned.

"We heard a rustle in the bushes and being me, I decided to check it out." I said.

"Well she isn't injured that badly. Just a small fracture in one of the bones that's critical for flying. Should be healed in 3 or 4 weeks with the right treatment." She stated.

"Do we have what we need?"

"Oh yeah she just needs a splint right here." Mom said and pointed at a small bend in the dragons right wing.

"How old is it?" Mercy asked excitedly.

"Well if I counted correctly she's 1 year older then you." Mom said and pointed at Mercy.

"Really?! Dad can we keep it???" She said and bounced up and down.

"Uh it needs to heal then we have to train it. I mean her. But for now she can stay at our house." I said.

"YAY!" Mercy said and bounded around like Toothless at feeding time.

~time skip to the Haddock home~

"Hiccup this is insane we're tlking about a Skrill. Remember when on of these almost killed you?" Astrid said and crossed her arms.

"Ok number one, when are my ideas not crazy, and two, it'll be fine. It's injured and just wants a comfy place to rest. Once it's healed, we're training it."

"What if Dagur hears about the Skrill? He could come after me or you or Gods forbid ou daughter! He's crazy for Skrills!" She said loudly.

"Yes I know that's why no one is leaving the island unless they can keep a secret."

"So Fishlegs isn't going anywhere. That checks off one villager." Astrid said sarcastically.

"Astrid it'll all be okay I promise. No one will hear about our Skrill and I'll make sure of it. Now I have to go, I got a message from Gobber that he needed me at the forge. I think he needs help making saddles." I said an kissed her on the cheek.

"Dad cane I come?!" Mercy shouted from her doorway.

"Sure I need to teach you how to make one anyway if you want to ride a dragon." I said and she came running down with one boot on. "Where's your other boot?"

"Apparently not on my foot." She said and went bakc upstairs, then came down momentarily, with two boots on. "I knew something felt different."

"Come on. I'm sure the forge is full of saddles for us to fix."

"I'm excited! I was thinking about thinning out the blade of my knife so in case I'm locked up, I can pick the lock and escape."

"Smart. But I think we should worry about saddles for the moment."

~time skip~ (A/N: sowwy for all the time skips)

"Here you go Sven, brand new saddle." I said and handed the saddle out the window.

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