Forgetting//Overdose {pt. 2}

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Author's notes: I think this will be the part 2 to one of the one shots I did earlier. Idk the theme of the angst is similar so why not put it into 3 parts???





Lance sat on the cold toilet seat in his pyjamas, resting his shaking elbows against his knees. One hand running through his sweat ridden hair and another holding a tiny white plastic pill bottle. His shaky breaths filled the silence in the sleeping castle. Tears ran down his face dripping down and landing against the tile floor. He takes another look at the bottle.

Foreign alien writing was unscripted along the bottle label, he ran his thumb against the plastic label.

"The famous Blue Paladin?! Whatever brings you here for?" The man at the counter recognizes lance and jumps up to the front desk. 

"Heh.....yep that's me!" Lance chimes in averting the cheery mans stare.

"So what can I help you with today?" He asks, resting his arms on the cashier table and clasping them together.

"Uuh...I need...something...for a friend."

"Sure, but you're going to have to be more specific."

"R-Right.......they suffer from depression, and it's getting really bad. I want to help them, but I don't want them turning to alcohol or drugs for help."

"Hmmmmm so many humans turn to those substances if they want to forget bad choices in life, of life itself." He concluded. "I would recommend these," The man disappeared behind short curtains into a supply room and came back with a small bottle. "They work like alcohol and drugs but less dangerous, quiet popular with beings from other planets other than Earth. One pill lasts approximately one day. Of course they don't make you forget who you are, like your family or where you originated, just new memories after that." He reached out to hand me the small bottle.

"How much?"

Lance unscrewed the lid and found small blue pills pilled up to the top of the bottle.

What if I wanted that feeling to last forever?

What if I wanted to forget who I knew?

Or who I was.









No one's POV

"Has anyone seen Lance today?" Hunk asks while placing plates on the dining table.

"Not since we went shopping, all he did was flirt with girls." Pidge scoffed.

"Didn't he leave us to shop by himself after?" Allura added but distracted while looking at a map of the galaxy.

"Hmmm, it's dinner time I'm going to look for him." Hunk announced. No one bothered looking up from what they were doing,

"Yeah sure."

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