The Boy on the Bridge

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Author's notes: Hi! So I've been running out of ideas and I haven't had much time to write....:/// honestly most of the angst that I've written has been thoughts and feelings I like to vent out, but I haven't had many sad thoughts lately soooo...If you've got any requests or ideas I would love to hear them!

A boy was sitting.

He was just sitting, nothing weird about it.

His legs dangled off the side, swinging back and forth. His hair blowing in the autumn wind. He wore a bright yellow sweater that caught Keith's eye.

He sat against the railing of the tall bridge.

Was it weird? It was just a boy sitting on the edge of the bridge. The bridge Keith had always rode across in his motorcycle to work. 

Today was different.

There was a boy sitting on the bridge.

It was not much of a stare but a quick glance. He couldn't because he would cause a car accident, but a part of him wanted to.

Why would you want to stop? That boys business was none of yours. He's just enjoying the view is all.

As he went by he tried his best to keep his eyes on the rode, but with nothing else to think about the boys figure stayed etched in his mind.



The next day he had completely forgotten about the boy on the bridge, until he rode on the hard paved cement bridge.

A boy was walking.

His slim legs careful and steady on the railing. His had his arms out for balance as he walked on the thin railing.

Once again Keith's attention was on the boy. This time he could see the boys face. He had chocolate brown hair and tanned skin.

Once again he wanted to press on the brakes.....curiosity and some other feeling was creeping up on him. But instead he revved up the engine and sped faster off the bridge. The image of the tanned boy walked along side the bridge lingered.



The next day he was curious, curious if the boy would be there again. 

He was.

The boy was lying down.

He was lying down against the other side of the railing.

This alarmed Keith.

Was he dead? Did he pass out?

Relief washed over him as he saw the boy move, his hand dropped to the side carelessly.

He couldn't do anything, all he could do was watch the boy on the bridge. Something in him wanted to really get off his motorcycle and walk over to him. Ask him what was wrong, was something wrong? 

Keith didn't have that right. He had no clue who that guy was, what he was doing there, how he felt, what his life was like. He had no right to convince him everything was okay. 

Yet Keith still wanted to do it.



The next day marked the start if the weekend. Keith had no work today.  Yet he parked his bike on the side of the road and walked towards the bridge. As he got closer he saw the shape of someone.

A boy.

A boy was standing.

His hands held the rail as he leaned forward. As he walked closer he could see the boys face. Clear glowing skin in the sunlight, his eyes closed as if wanting to sleep. But the boy soon noticed Keith's presence and looked to his direction.

Keith said nothing, he just walked closer and leaned against the opposite side of the rail the boy was on.

"What brings you here sir?" Keith was taken aback as the boy spoke.

"Just...taking a stroll."

" would love taking a stroll near the highway."

"Yeah..." Keith realized how weird he sounded-it was obvious the boy could see past his charades. 'What about you?"

"Taking a stroll." A smile crept up his mouth as he replied.

Keith knew this was stupid, he knew that there was no way the boy would tell him anything. If there was anything wrong-the boy just met him! Not to mention that fact that he had just came walking up to this  boy for no reason. 

But he wanted to try.

If there was something wrong, he wanted to help. 

Keith was never the sociable type of guy, he was never a person who enjoyed talking. But for some reason he wanted to, he wanted to talk to this boy. He knew that his instincts could very much be wrong and that this was just a boy who liked to hang out near this bridge.

Keith had not realized how silent it had been until the boy said something, "What are you really doing here?"


Keith started to panic, what should he say? Should he just be honest? Lying would ultimately get him nowhere. 

"I came here because...I've seen you a couple of times."

"And you think I'm going to kill myself?"

Wow. Straight to the point.

"...No...because you seemed like an interesting guy." The boy just laughed.

"Interesting huh? Okay mullet."

"Hey! What did you just call me?" 


"It's Keith thank you very much."

"Mullet Keith the, I assure you there is nothing interesting about me."

"So I came all the way here for nothing?" Keith joked.

"Sure did." He smiled.

Quickly, do something. He's going to think you're weird. He won't want to talk to you-

"What is your name?"

"...Lance, nothing interesting about it."

"So...Lance...." Keith pulled out an old receipt and a spare pen he randomly had in his pockets and wrote down his phone number. He handed it to Lance.

"What is this?"

"My phone number."

"Hm, you don't seem like the type of guy to just do that."

"Trust me I do not."

"Then why me?" The boy smiled curiously.

"Because, you seem interesting." The boy laughed again, which made butterflies stir in Keith's stomach.





"Lance mcClain from the city of Voltron fell to his death on July 28th this Saturday at 7:00 PM, more on that tonight."

Plz help me this was rusheeeeed.

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