Child of the Sun

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You're always in my mind.

The same goddamn description I always think of, every part of you screams sunshine. Like you were the child of the sun. Sent down from the heavens, and some how managed to meet me.

A mess,
A complete mess.


But then you came along.
Like a cheesy rom com,
Bringing the most light I had ever witnessed into my world.
You never liked to see me not smile, always smiling for others when they couldn't.
And that just made you so special,
No one on the universe could have ever replaced you.
I never said it to you,
Because I never knew.

But I love you.
I love every part of you,
From your smile,
To your laugh,
To your walk,
Your eyes,
Your stupid pick-up lines,
Your not-funny jokes
The way you studied really hard and your eyebrows scrunched up when you didn't understand something,
The way you were so care free and daring that you didn't care what other people thought.

Everything was perfect.
You were always there, right in front of me,
And that was enough.

Short shorts and tank tops.
Pina coladas and a bottle of Coke.
Soft burning sand, cold crashing tides.
Heart shaped sunglasses and sandy beach towels.
Your smile as you slathered sunscreen on your body.
Complaining about how the UV rays would damage your skin.

You were the only one who could make me smile.

Make me laugh.

Every time we were together,
I forgot what anything was.
I forgot the life I had to lead after.
I forgot the consequences and expectations of an adult,
And just stared into those shining blue eyes.

Late nights, street lights glowing, the air humid and hot.
Fireworks loud and crackling and dissolving into the ocean.
Tide growing closer to us.
Moon shining in the sky.

"Come on, let's go." You said, gathering our things and stood up. You reached out your hand to me, and I took it. Laughing and joyous we walked down the streets under tall palm trees and a starry night.

We crossed the street,
but the alcohol in that man's system was poison.

A bright flashing light headed towards us, screams and honking eloped our ears.

We didn't see it coming.

I woke up.

In that intoxicating Hosptial.


You never showed up.

We left that beautiful night, but only one made it back.

You're always on my mind.

The same goddamn description, but it will never grow old. Because no matter how many times I think of you, it always the same. Warm skin, wide smile, cute fluffy hair and bright sky coloured eyes. Squinting at the glaring sun, under the beach umbrella you bought just for us. Smiling like there was no tomorrow.

You were the child of the sun,

and your journey ended here.

But I'm glad it ended with me.

Lance McClain 2000 June 28-2019 August 1


You always found a way to make me smile,

no matter the situation.

You never liked me sad,

you've never seen me cry,

I would have never let you see those ugly tears fall from my face. Looking down at the dull grass, in front of that hunk of stone. Squeezing my eyes so tightly together more tears spilled.

So please,

make me smile again,

make me laugh,

make my heart flutter again,

make me feel alive again.



I remember that day,

we were at your house.

Sitting in your room eating cheap popsicles from the convenient store across the street. You leaned your head against your palm and looked at me. You asked me:

"Is there anything you ever wished for? If you could make it true."

I looked at you,

"No, not really."

I said that, because I didn't want anything more in that moment. All I wanted was you, and you were there, right in front of me.


can I use that wish now?


I wish........

I wish you were still alive.

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