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Fiasco-an event that does not succeed, often in a way that causes embarrassment



"Ragu?" I asked, as she danced around the washroom.

It was our luck that we didn't get any audience or intruder in the washroom. Or else I have no clue how it would have ended. Ragini had gone insane, the alcohol had affected her so badly.

After firing those bullets at our 'enemy' she started doing a victory dance. Swining, shaking her hair as danced.

"lAksH, why yoU no danCing, DaNCe yU oLDY!" She screeched jumping.

Old? Like seriously. Why the heck does she think I am old? I am not even thirty, yet. Looking my face in the mirror infront trying to see any wrinkles but found none.


"I am not old okay?" I tried convincing her.

With this she started laughing like a maniac, is she laughing because she thinks I am convincing myself saying this? Or is it because she was kidding?

It should be the latter.

"OoooHHHHoo!!! LaKssss who u girlfRienD?" She spurred serious this time.

"Uhm?" I am so confused? Doesn't she remember that just an hour back I said she was my girlfriend?

Moving towards me pointing and placing her finger on my chest, she angrily looked.

"YOu sHoULD nO gIR FrIend!! yOu mINe!! mE yuR gUrLFrIenD! OkAy?" She stated looking as serious as possible.

I was ecstatic, no doubt.

"I am yours." I uttered, I don't know whether she meant that or not, or would she remember this yet in my mind I had told her, and I would stand true to my words.

"YaYYY!!" She giggled like a child.

It was already late enough and I had to get her home as quick as possible.

Having no other option, I picked her up bridal style and exited the washroom.

"Wooooooo!!! mE flYIng!!!"

"LAkssss SeeE tHe flOrr moVinGg!!"




"Wrreeeioooopppppa yuio!!"





Placing her on the passanger seat and strapping the seat belt I moved towards the driving seat.

Handling drunk Ragini had become fun now, seeing her all giggling and carefree made me happy.


Back to present!

This Ragu, the great in the middle of our way became so hungry that she shouted and shouted till I actually had to stop at a dhabbha.

Instructing her to sit quietly and inside the car, also locking the door from outside, I went to bring some food. The car had ac onn for a long time so sitting there without ac wasn't much of a problem.

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