|XVIII- Film|

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•I legit should be awarded😂😂😂 two updates in a day!! I am way to tired of physics right now🤦🏻‍♀️😭..•

Film-a story, play, etc. shown in moving pictures at the cinema or on television


"And don't try to act smart okay? In front of the whole office means with employees and people." Laksh had said.

Don't even ask what happened after that, that oldy went to sleep. Not even sparing me a look.

And now the next day has already started, and here I am in my cubicle. The morning was no different, that oldy legit continued ignoring me, and in the office as well.

So now I have to show this oldy what Ragini Mehta is. You wait and watch Mr!

But how will you be able to complete the challenge one? You can't just go to him surrounded by the other employees and say, "Hi, Laksh I love you."

And the various reactions I will get. Fantastic.

So what should I do?

"Oye, Ragu where are you lost?" Tia asked.

"Na na no where.. what happened?" I asked her as I saw her getting up from her cubicle.

"Arrey its lunch come, our gang is there already." She said as she stood up and waited for me.

I closed my laptop and accompanied her.

I saw the others in a deep conversation.

"Aye?? Whats the hot topic?" I asked her as I took a seat in between Samir and Neha.

"Arey we are discussing about Laksh sir's fiancee and Shekhar sir's daughter."

"Why?" I couldn't control myself.

Why are they discussing about me? Why? Like dude I am your friend sitting right next to you, talk to me!!

"I know right, who is this masked girl? We have never heard about her!" Neha exclaimed.

Duh! You have even been pranked by her.

"Yes! And the thing is we had no clue that Laksh sir was engaged." Tia said, "When do you think it happened?"

Just before the FAKE FAMILY DRAMA.

"Exacto! And here Ragu you were...." Samir started.

But I started coughing. No one can know about the crush part.

I narrowed my eyes at him and he got the point.


"What was Ragu doing?" Tia asked.

"I meant she keeps on fighting with him." Samir said.

Wait. Perfect!!!!!

Fight. Thats the best I do.

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