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Ahaha!! I am AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN back with an update!!! Me being wayyy toooo generous with the updates is for a REASON..you all will come to know soooooon.


Fetish-an activity or object that you are so interested in that you spend an unreasonable amount of time thinking about it or doing it:



I had narrated the whole fake family story to the gang and they were shocked, surprised and what not. Tia even added that it was Laksh who stopped my marriage to the old fellow or else I would have spoiled my life.

After that I got few playful taunts from Samir saying after him saving me I should respect him.

As if.

He didn't save me instead he was the one who added the fuel in the fire. So its fine.

And after all this I was on my way to Swara's cabin who had called me urgently.

I knocked the door twice but got no response.. didn't she just message me?

Deciding to enter, I opened the door and went inside and found no one.

This girl, first she messages me and then she herself is gone. I left my coffee for her.

And mind you all nothing is more precious than coffee!! I love it..


So you get the feelings, right?

I was standing in empty cabin when I heard a click from the door, turning around instead of Swara there stood Mr.oldy.

"What are you doing here?" I asked confused. Did Swara even call him?

"Its my sister's cabin." He stated as a matter of fact.

"Exactly my point Mr, why are you in Swara's cabin?"


Swara isn't here, but this oldy is.

"You told Swara to call me?"

"You get a point." He raised his eyebrow and his forehead then relaxed.

"Why? You could have called me in your cabin na?"

"Yeah yeah, after the stunt you pulled out there, did you really think that Laksh- the boss, would happily ever again call Ragini- the employee to his cabin?" He said chuckling.


"But answer truthfully, I did it so so damn well!! I mean did you even think that I would be able to complete the challenge that too in this way! I am way proud of myself. I mean I even said I love you-"

Before I could complete the sentence, his arms circled my waist and pulled me closer to him. Our bodies were in contact with eachothers and I could feel breath fanning over my face.

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