|XLII- Folks|

763 84 68

Folks- people in general


"Happy happy happy birthday, sir!" Tia shouts as they all push past Laksh and enter the house.

These people will for sure give me a heartattack. Thankgod Laksh had forced me to wear a saree today. The pallu saved me.

"You all here?" Laksh asks clearly pissed of at them for spoiling our 'time'.

"Woh sir actually we came to wish you. You weren't coming to the office, so I suggested to meet you." Samir bhai explains.

Bhai one Tia was enough.

"Oh great!" Laksh smiles at them for their gesture and asks them to sit.

"By the way sir, we would have also called Ragu! But this girl took an emergency leave today." Tia starts.

"Is she fine?" Neha asks Tia.

"I guess, I will call her later to ask but you know I have an instinct." Tia adds.

Everyone looks at her curiously, I do as well.

Abh what 'instinct' she has?

"I think this time for sure she might be pregnant." Tia announces while Laksh starts coughing.

"Yeh tab hoga, jab kuch karne doge tumlog." Laksh murmers and only I could hear him as he was standing just next to me.

"What sir?" Samir bhai asks as he missed his statement.

"I said, water? Wait I will go and bring it." Laksh cover ups.

"Wait! Sir, who is she?" Tia asks pointing at me while I tighten the grip on my pallu.

"Woh.." Laksh starts indirectly asking me to help.

But this oldy doesn't remember that if I speak they will know its me.

An idea strikes my mind. I don't answer, and silence is filled in the room.

"Why isn't she speaking first of all?" Tia asks again.

I really can kill her.

"She is mute." Laksh announces and my neck snaps towards him.

What? I, Ragini Kapoor mute?

Have you gone mad?

Talking is my life!! How can you say I am mute!!!

"Oooh..sir what does she do here then?" Neha asks in remorse.

Thankyou for atleast looking sorry.

And you oldy!! Bachu tu mil upar!!

But now the question.

And thenI started playing dumbsharas with them.

Acting as if I am stirring a vessel inshort telling I am a cook.

Laksh looks at me in question while others start their guesses.

"I got it!!" My bestest friend in the whole damn world announces.

"She is a MAID." She announces while my eyes widens at her.

Ofcourse no one can see me, but thank god to this pallu, one side vision.

"Right sir?" Tia asks looking at Laksh while he looks at me in confusion.

We can't do anything. Go with the flow.

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