Chapter 10

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  "Do you think it's easy for me to forgive you? You remind me too much of my ex for me to let my guard down without a fight."
I slid out of the bed and walked naked to the bathroom. His eyes followed me, and I could hear him sigh deeply. "You're gonna have to work harder than that, you know."

"Oh, really?" He asked with his voice full of mockery. He knew I was lying. "It didn't seem like that just a moment ago."
He paused for a moment, waiting for my reply. I had nothing to say. He was absolutely right, he didn't have to work all that hard, but I would never admit that.
"So, you do forgive me." His statement was way too cocky for my liking.

"Do you take pleasure in being irritating?"
I peeped quickly out the bathroom door, shooting him a dirty look.

"If it means irritating you, then yes." He responded, nodding his head obnoxiously, while I rounded the bed to get to the couch, where my pajamas had been thrown. I couldn't stand that adorable face. I tried to hide the half smile on my lips, while shaking my head, but was caught. "Come here, honey," his hand was beckoning me to join him back in bed.

"Honey? No, I'm done with you for today." I said with a fake frown.

"Come here!" He demanded with the tone of defiance, standing on his knees and crawling to the edge of the bed. "You may be done with me, but I'm not done with you." He pulled my arm before I could manage to get my top all the way on, and I shrieked loudly as I bounced on the mattress. I immediately started giggling, as he scooted back toward the headboard with me in tow. He wrapped me firmly against his bare chest, then he shut me up with a tender kiss. "You did say you liked me." His soft voice reminded me, after nuzzling the tip of my nose.

My mouth fell open on its own as I glared at him. The balls on this guy! He immediately started laughing. "Wait, wait, what was the phrase?" I could barely understand the words he was saying between all the laughter. "'I really, really like you." He mimicked my words, trying to do the same with his voice.

I elbowed him hard in the ribs, and he whined and chuckled at the same time. I struggled to get myself free, but he refused to let me. His features turned serious, and he looked me directly in the eyes. "So, you really like me, huh?"

"I was distraught and cannot be held responsible for the things I've said under severe stress."

"You do! You like me!" He cheered with a grin. "Well, Jennifer, I really like you too." He whispered as he held me tighter.

I lifted up my chin to make my lips meet his. His mouth moved tenderly on mine, and our tongues explored each other's mouths. What am I supposed to do with this? I asked myself. I knew I had to be building up walls, not allowing him to tear them down, but he made it so hard for me. I held on to that thought for a moment, and pulled my lips away from his.

"I think you should go to your room." I said, unsure if that's what I really wanted. One thing I knew for certain, I needed to figure out what the hell I was feeling.

"What? You can't be serious!" He pulled me away from his chest with a soft tug on my shoulder. I shot my eyes up and saw the disappointment in his stare. "I know what you're doing! You're purposely pushing me away, just to make a point."

"Jared!" I smiled at him, holding his face between my palms. "I just need to be alone tonight. Please?" I squeezed his cheeks, making his lips stick out in a soft pout, and then kissed him.

I rolled away from him and lay on my side, holding the weight of my head with my hand. I kept staring at him while he gazed around the room, as if trying to find the answer to my attitude in the air surrounding us. "Don't be upset, trust me just like I said I'd trust you. I need to be alone. I need to figure out what to make of this. You said you'd be a good boy, so keep to your promise, and do as I say."

Without another word, he threw the covers to the side, got out of bed and started getting dressed. I kept watching him, dying to summon him back, but I knew I had made the right decision.

His expression was solid and cold, as he zipped up his jeans and fastened his belt. He kept glancing at me every few seconds, and I could feel in the atmosphere that he was expecting me to take back my request and pull him back in my arms.

Once he was fully dressed, he rested both of his hands on his hips and stared at me, raising his eyebrows, waiting for a reaction. I shook my head softly.
He turned around, and headed for the door. "Jared?" I cried out, getting out of bed and throwing myself into his arms. He hesitantly bundled my body with his, but then let the kiss take over. "Good night, Jared," I said as I pulled away.

"Good night, Jennifer." He whispered, then turned around and walked out the door.
I was falling for him too fast, too hard and I couldn't let that happen. Or could I? It was scaring the shit out of me, and I had to figure that out.. soon.

Unable to sleep, I replayed the events of the evening over and over in my mind. My body was already tingling with excitement just thinking of the next time we would be together. I fought the urge to go to his room and beg to play more of his "games." The irresistible compulsion to have him ruin me, was strong, but not enough for me to swallow my pride and go to him.

It's like momentarily stepping into a different world. The intoxicating way he touched, bit, and teased my flesh, had me wanting to do it all over again. My relationship's in the past were nothing like this. I've never been dominated like that before. Jared had a primal look in his eye, like a predator stalking its prey and even as I begged him to devour me, he did it slowly.

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