Chapter 20

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Jared behaved oddly all day. Usually he'd have lunch with us at the studio, but today only Shayla kept us company. I didn't want to bother him if he was having a bad day, I know how that can be when all you want is to be left alone and people keep bugging you. During the time we had been there, he never messed up a scene so many times as he did today.

Nicole also started to get on my nerves. I know her flirty personality, but today she was close to crossing the line, not only with Luke, but she made unnecessary comments to Jared as well.

I wasn't feeling fantastic myself, maybe it was just an off day for all of us. Not being able to see him the night before, or this morning, plus the fact that he wanted to be left alone, was making me feel strangely neglected. God, that was something I absolutely fucking hate to see other women do.

Back at the hotel, Nicole and I entered our room quietly and I went straight to the bathroom to take a shower. I could hear her voice over the running water. She was making me more and more irritated with every laughter and squeal. I stood under the hot water, determined to let it wash away all of my frustrations. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.

"You're so not fun today. What has gotten into you?" She asked me when I stepped out of the bathroom.

"I'm not here for fun, I'm here working. I'm sorry if your visit isn't living up to your expectations." I snapped at her, as I patted myself dry.

"Ouch! PMS much?" She bit back. "Well, just so you know, London hasn't disappointed." She grinned, pulling her clothing off and disappearing into the bathroom.

I tried to get clothes as quickly as I could, doing my make up in record time. I am pulling my hair up in a simple ponytail. I really didn't want to keep talking to her once she was out of the shower.

"I'm gonna go to Jared's, see you later." I called out and she said something I didn't understand, but I needed to get away from her. I couldn't care less about her plans for the evening. She's a big girl and I just wanted to be with Jared.

I knocked on his door and Shayla let me in. Jared was sitting by the couch, looking down at his phone, but shot me anxious grin when he saw me come in.

As I stepped into the room, Jared immediately got up and moved toward me. "I hope you're as hungry as I am." As we turned to head for the door, for some odd reason, my eyes were drawn to a chair that had an unlikely piece of clothing hanging from the back.

"Is this Nic's jacket?" I asked, as I held it up, trying to be certain if it was really hers. "This is hers, right?"

"Yeah, uh, Shayla found that in the lobby and brought it up here. I planned on giving it to her today, but I guess I must've forgotten."

I thought it was strange, but I looked at Shayla confirming his story, so I didn't think too much of it. These things happen. I've been known to leave things behind too, like my purse one time in Luke's car, or my phone in the grocery store!

"Oh, I can take it when I go back. You ready? I'm starving!" I turned on my heels and headed for the door. He trotted past me, and holding the door open for me.
"Good to see you can still find it in you to be a gentleman." I teased him as I crossed the threshold.

"Oh, honey, that's just for Shayla to see. When I get you alone in this bedroom later, I intend to behave in a much less gentlemanlike manner." He joked, closing the door behind him, and giving me a sweet kiss on the cheek.

Suddenly I felt my chest get warm with relief, and my mood immediately changed. I forgot about Nic, and how she had been annoying me all day, about how I missed him, and knowing that our time in London was drawing to an end. I didn't know how things would work out in LA, or even if there was anything to work out. I decided to just enjoy the night and not think about tomorrow.

We were headed to what Jared said was his favorite vegan restaurant north of London, in one of its most exclusive districts.

I sat closely next to him in the car, tucking my arm under his and resting my head on his shoulder. Jared kept his hand on my thigh, grazing my knee with his fingers the whole time. This was one of the reasons I liked being alone with him, we didn't have to hide from anyone.

"Are you ok? You seem out of sorts today." I whispered, while he stared out the window.

"I was having a bad day at work. It really pisses me off when I do a shitty job. I'm sorry you had to be there to see that." He said gravely, as he leaned his head on top of mine.

"We all have bad days, I guess. It can happen to anyone, even Oscar winning actors."

He chuckled softly at my comment, and we continued making small talk for the rest of the ride. The food was fantastic, even for my carnivore taste, and Jared made me relive the date that had me see him with different eyes, a few weeks ago. He was being charming, and seemed interested in what I had to say when I wouldn't stop talking about my cat. He opened up about his mother and brother, and his upbringing. I felt like I was truly getting to know a different side of him, and the fact that he was opening up about such personal matters, made me wonder if this was really just sex. He spoke in a calm, almost shy voice the whole time, and even though I liked our new proximity, I thought it was strange that his cocky comments and tone were gone. Was this a glimpse of the real him?

I wasn't completely convinced that his behavior today was only due to professional disappointment, but would never consider asking him again. There's no way in hell I'd behave like an annoying girlfriend, and push him to say something he wasn't ready to disclose. I'd have to trust his word, and enjoy his company.
We arrived back at the hotel, and he grabbed my hand as we crossed the lobby. We had to share the elevator ride with another couple, but the woman was so excited to see Jared, she made me and her partner a little bit uncomfortable.

Jared smiled sweetly at her and thanked her for her compliments. They hopped off the elevator one floor before us, and in a second we were at his level. "I can't believe we're leaving tomorrow." I grinned as he pulled me down the hallway. I knew that this trip had changed me, and whatever was coming once we landed in LA. I would never feel the same as I did while here with him. That thought scared me. How did I allow myself to fall for him like this?

"Well, we need to make tonight remarkable, then." He said, slinging his arm around my back and kissing my neck the moment we reached his door.

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