Chapter 21

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"Is that so?" I asked playfully, hoping he'd elaborate. God, all night I had the feeling that something was off, but now, I was enjoying his new demeanor. He was much less aggressive and much more sweet.

He gave me a big smile. "Yes, it's our last night here for a few weeks and I just thought that you'd want to make it memorable." He leaned against the door and held my hands. Staring at me, the smile left his face and once I was pressed against his chest, one of his arms slid around my waist, and the other hand wrapped around my throat. He tilted my face back and his eyes scanned from my mouth to my eyes. "I want you, Jen."

Fuck, his words made me melt in his arms. My heart swelled and this scared the shit out of me. God help me, I locked my arms around his waist. "I want you, too."

When he pressed his lips to mine, my fingers twisted into the back of his shirt. He could have me, any way he wanted. Yes, I didn't care how, all I knew was that I wanted him now. He finally pulled away and turned around. My arms slid around his waist from behind and my cheek was flat against his back. Fuck, one hand held both of mine as he used the other to turn the door handle. Stepping into his suite, he pulled me inside with him.

"Shayla isn't here so we have the whole suite to ourselves tonight." He walked over to the table and set his phone and room key down.

"Good." I said, pulling my jacket down my arms and kicking my shoes off next to the couch. I sat sideways, with my legs folded under me on the couch. I watched him pull his jacket off, laying it on the back of the couch, next to Nicole's. He sat next to me propping his feet up on the coffee table.

Turning his head to look at me, he spoke. "Have I told you how amazing you look tonight?" His fingers pushed my dark hair behind my ear.

"Thank you." I whispered. His hand moved to my chin and his thumb moved across my bottom lip. He urged me closer and his lips claimed mine. Jared's soft, sensual kisses were better than the rough, aggressive ones. He really knew how to kiss and before I knew what was happening, he guided me over his lap, my short skirt was riding up in the process.

I hooked my arms on his shoulders and felt his hands begin to travel underneath my white top. Smooth palms moved over the cups of my bra, kneading softly. I started to pull out of the kiss, but his teeth gently bit and pulled on my bottom lip.

His fingers moved under my bra, tenderly caressing my tender flesh. Flat palms slid over each hardened nipple before rolling them between his fingers. I could feel my heartbeat speeding up with my arousal, so I leaned back and gripped the bottom of his shirt, fiercely tugging it over his head.

I was already breathing heavily with excitement. He licked over his bottom lip and pulled me closer for another kiss. His warm lips traveled down my neck and a frustrated moan escaped my lips. Sharing the experience with him changed my entire opinion of him. One hand moved under my skirt, along the inside of my thigh and I struggled to maintain my composure. His smooth fingertips tugged my panties to the side. Gasping, I closed my eyes, enjoying being gently caressed.

His warm breath ghosted over my skin and a wave of pleasure washes over me. I'm addicted to his scent and the way he makes me feel when we're together. I reached down to unfasten his belt, but eh grabbed my hands, stepping me. "Not here. I want you in my bed." He kissed me one more time before helping me up and guiding me to his room.

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