Chapter 6

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I was already dressed and drinking my coffee in the lobby, determined to not let this whole thing with Jared get to me. That was easier said than done, especially having heard a female in his room last night. I couldn't be a hundred percent positive, but I was pretty sure that he was in bed with this female. I absolutely hated that I cared so much about what he did. I've spent the past ten years not giving a single fuck what he did and then to turn around and sleep with him again... What the hell was I thinking?

My mind was all over the place. Of course I slept with him, who the hell could resist that? My mind went back and forth between chastising and feeling sorry for myself.

I had to stop thinking about him and focus on my job. The first thing on my agenda was to apologize to Luke for my behavior at dinner and to thank him for the well needed mental kick to my ass.

I sat in the comfy chair, staring down at the shiny floor and listening to other guests coming and going until I saw Luke exit the elevator. He always looked so handsome and professional. I had so much respect for this man, my boss, who was more like the brother I never had. In all honesty, he treated me like family rather than an employee. He walked over to get himself a cup of coffee before sitting next to me. "Good morning, Jen."

"Morning. Luke, I just want to apologize to you again for the way I acted at dinner last night. I.. just.."

He put his hand on mine and shook his head. "Jennifer, everyone has a shitty day every now and again. I know I have, and you've always put up with my shit without ever saying a rude word to me. That being said, Leto has a reputation for sleeping around. That's all I'm saying. Now from what I've seen, I've never known you to be that way." He tilted his head and grinned. "I don't know what you do in your personal time, but I'm pretty sure I'm right. Anyway, my point is that you have to accept things for the way they really are. Men like that never intend to settle down. Brush yourself off and move on. There is a man out there for you somewhere, you just gotta find him. You deserve to be with someone that makes you happy, not with someone who sleeps around."

This was the first time that he'd ever given me advice on my life, usually, I'm the one giving him my advice. He was right though, I mean, I can't let this get me down. "Thank you for that... and you're right. I know exactly what to do."

The look of concern was still on his face when he smiled and stood up. "I'm always here to talk if you need me." Walking over to the trash can to toss his coffee, he looked back at me. "You ready to go?"

I got up and tossed my empty cup away, shoved my phone into my pocket, and walked to the entrance of the hotel. The car was waiting for us as usual, and I sat next to Luke with a forced smile. I refused to let the situation with Jared get to me today. Or at least that's what I thought..

He walked into the studio with two blondes in tow. One was carrying a bag and dressed in all black and the other was wearing his shirt and following him like a lost puppy. Upon seeing them, I turned around and looked down at my phone screen. Hearing my name being called, I turned around to see him approaching. "Jen, this is Shayla, my PA and this is Charlotte, a friend." They looked at each other laughing and I wanted to throw up.

"Girl's, Jen is Luke's PA." The smirk on his face was like a slap across mine. The balls on this guy....

They both greeted me nicely, but Charlotte followed Jared when he walked away, not giving me the chance to speak to her. Shayla seemed really sweet and friendly, but I could only imagine the shit she's seen working for him.

We instantly hit it off and were laughing and talking, but the second he saw that, she was kept busy, running errands. Errands that I'm pretty sure were pointless, but whatever. I sat quietly working on my laptop while the airhead next to me yapped on her phone about her night with Jared. I walked back to the dressing room just to get away for a few minutes. She confirmed what I already knew, he slept with her. Knowing I couldn't stay cooped up all day, I dragged my feet, taking my time and when I say back down next to her, she was off the phone. By lunchtime, little miss airhead was gone and I couldn't be more pleased, she must have finally gotten on his nerves with her incessant need to hang on him.

He came to sit next to me and I let out a frustrated breath. "How was your night?"
He leaned closer, whispering.

I wished I had a great answer, but I didn't. "Actually, I slept great, better than I have in a long time." This was a complete lie, I slept like shit, tossing and turning.

"Liar." He leaned in and whispered in my ear. "You know, coming to my room and getting me all worked up like that and then leaving, was fucked up. Another woman had to satisfy my needs because you chose to leave me like that." Was I hearing this asshole correctly? I couldn't believe what he was saying to me. He twirled his finger around my hair as he spoke. "If you wanna make it up to me, come to my room at ten tonight. I'll think about forgiving you."

"Not gonna happen!" I shoved his hand away and stood up to walk away, not caring who I shoved out of my way or bumped into. I've never been so furious in my entire life. To think that after he was with someone else and even brought her here, that I would even want to go to his fucking room! Where the hell did sweet, flirty Jared go? The guy who didn't treat me like one of his slutty groupies. Was it all just an act? Was this the true Jared, a fucking asshole? I mean I've heard the stories, but goddamn. I always like to give people the benefit of doubt before passing judgement on them.

The rest of my day, I did my best to avoid him completely, and when I couldn't, I ignored him.

I packed up my things and was walking to the car when he tried again to talk to me. "Have a good afternoon, Jen." I was unable to stop the eye roll as I followed Luke.

"Keep it up, it's kinda turning me on and I love a challenge." He sped up, moving past us and out the door with his PA desperately trying to keep up.

Back at the hotel, I actually caught myself wanting to go to his room, but not to gain his forgiveness! No, I wanted to give him a piece of my mind. I wanted to let him know what a piece of shit he really was. Who did he think he was talking to like that?
Luke went out with some friends after I convinced him that I was fine. I didn't eat dinner, instead, I just snacked on some some trail mix and pulled my jacket on. Walking down the hallway, I pulled the jacket closed and headed to Jared's room, ready to tell him exactly what I thought of him.

I knocked and he instantly opened the door, shirtless, and looking sexy as hell. He purposely did this, but I had to keep my head straight. "Right on time, I knew you wouldn't disappoint."

"Fuck this." I shouted out loud. I didn't give a fuck who the hell heard me. I didn't have to take this bullshit from him.

He walked behind me grabbing my writs and pulled me back. "Jen wait! I'm sorry." He looked at the floor when he spoke, too guilty to look me in the eye. "Please, let me explain."

I pulled my wrist free from his grip and shoved him back. "No, I'm done. I should've known better than to come here. You will never change!"

"Please! Five minutes is all I ask. If you don't like what I have to say, I'll never bother you again. I promise. Please, Jen." He looked sincere.

"You have five minutes." I pointed in his face and turned to walk back into his suite, setting the alarm on my phone. He followed and closed the door.

"Shayla is out and won't be back for a while. Jennifer, I really am sorry. My behavior was inexcusable and I do apologize." He slowly walked toward me as he spoke, making me back up and feel like stalked prey. No matter how he acted or spoke, he always looked like he was going to attack. "I like you, a lot, and when you left me here yesterday, all turned on, and to fend for myself, I got angry. The only thing I could think to do was get back at you. It was childish I know, but I did it and can't change it. All I can do is tell you that I acted like an ass." He was right in front of me. "I understand if you don't want to see me anymore. I won't blame you." His fingers ran through my hair and I could feel my defenses starting to come crashing down. "It won't happen again, I promise. So, do you forgive me?"

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