Chapter 2

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I kept staring at him, my mouth slightly open. Great guy, my ass! He didn't even respond to my hello. His face showed no expression whatsoever. Someone should teach Mr. Leto some manners.

He sat on a chair to have his makeup done and I tried to concentrate on my work, but couldn't. His smooth voice kept bringing back memories that I tried so hard to forget. The fact that he was flirting with the makeup artist working with him made me even more disgusted. He hadn't changed one bit.

"Jen, I'm hungry!" We left the hotel without having breakfast so I was actually surprised it had taken him this long to ask me to go get him something. "Do you want Jen to get you anything, Jared?"

"Yes! Bring me a piece of fruit. Apple or pear would be nice, will you honey? And a pastry! And a cup of tea!"

Honey? No please? No thank you? My blood started to boil at the sound of his entitled tone! He was so rude to me for absolutely no reason.

I left the dressing room to go into the catering room. The corridor was filled with people running around with props and costumes. All I wanted was to dig a hole in the ground and stick my head in it. And stay there. For the rest of eternity. If I was to think rationally, maybe I was overreacting a little. Only a little. I knew I wasn't supposed to care so much.

"I'm just glad he was so nice about it. I didn't expect it at all. At first I thought Jared seemed so conceited, don't you think? There's something about his face..." I heard one of the studio employees tell the other while entering a room with Jared's name plastered to the wall. I scoffed and kept walking.

Knowing my boss for so long, I knew exactly what he'd like to eat, so I tried to be quick at returning. I heard their loud voices before I went back inside, trying to balance my boss', Jared's and my food in my hands. Apparently Jared had made a joke and everyone was laughing and kissing his ass.

"What is this?" Jared shot a cold look at me when I handed him his food.

"I forgot to ask what you wanted. So I brought chocolate. Everybody likes chocolate." I chuckled softly, trying my best to sound polite.

"I'm a vegan. I don't eat this kind of chocolate," he retorted, looking away from me, then took a large bite from the apple. "You can eat it, throw it away, shove it up your, you know... it's up to you." He spoke with his mouth full.

What the hell was that for? My boss and I exchanged shocked expressions. I wondered if he'd be defending this guy after that.

I went back to my table and pretended to be busy for a while. My head was spinning with rage. Everyone had a taste of the amazing, sweet and professional Jared Leto, except for me.

"Gentlemen, we are ready for you. The director wants to go over a few things before we start rolling." The same girl from before said when she entered the room after knocking.

"Thanks, Abby! We're ready too," he replied to her, throwing a sweet smile at her, followed by a flirty little wink. "Ready, Donovan?" He asked my boss, referring to his character.

Jared left the room, leaving the door open behind him.

"Great guy, huh?" I raised an eyebrow at my boss when he walked by me.

"Jenny, Jenny, it's just his sense of humor You'll get used to him." He smiled and winked at me. "Look, I know you must be busy, but I need you to get to the studio as soon as possible, please."

"Sure, I'll be there in a bit." Damn it! I really hoped I'd be rid of Jared, at least until lunch time.

The shooting went on smoothly. I sat quietly in a corner watching them at work. It always amazed me seeing people turning into someone completely different when the cameras were rolling.

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