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Today Colby was finally allowed to come home from the hospital and Sam couldn't wait. He was practically pushing Corey out of the door and into the car so they could go pick Colby up. They drove to the hospital and Sam jumped out of the car whilst it was still moving. "Sam!" Corey screamed, stopping the car as Sam ran into the hospital. Corey parked the car and then ran in after Sam. "Sam!" Corey shouted as he ran up to Sam, who was talking to the nurse. "Sam, what's wrong?" Corey asked as the nurse walked off. Sam looked down as Corey placed his hand on Sam's shoulder. He wonder why Sam looked so sad because not too long ago, he was jumping in joy.

"Colby's gone..." Sam whimpered which made Corey confused.

"What? What do you mean gone?" Corey asked in a confused tone as he put his hand on Sam's shoulder.

"They said that they went to give him his breakfast this morning and he wasn't in his room or the ward. They think he walked out but why? Why would he do that?" Sam whimpered as tears started to roll down his cheeks. Sam grabbed his chest as he started to panic.

"Hey Sam, look at me." Corey whispered as he grabbed Sam shoulder and looked him in the eyes. "Don't panic, we'll find him. Just take some deep breaths for me, okay?" Corey asked in a stern but soft voice, his hands still on Sam's shoulders. Sam did as Corey asked and tried to slow his breathing. "That's it, just breathe." Corey sighed as he wrapped his arm around Sam's shoulder. "Now, let's get back to the car and call the roommates to see if he's gone home, okay?" Corey asked as they started walking to the car, Sam still panting slightly. Corey opened the passenger door and Sam jumped in. Corey got in the drivers seat and called Devyn. Corey put the phone on speaker when Devyn picked up.

"Hey babe. Have you picked up Colby yet?" She asked.

"That's actually what we are calling about... Are you at home?" Corey asked hoping she would say no because that would mean there was still a chance that Colby was at home.

"Yeah, why?" Devyn asked, confusion showing in her voice.

"And you haven't seen Colby?" Corey sighed as Sam started to panic again.

"No. I thought you were picking him up right now?" She said with the fear showing in her voice.

"We were but when we got here they said he left. We thought he might of walked home." Corey sighed.

"I've been in the living room all day with Navi. If he had come home, I would've heard him come in." Devyn informed as Sam started having a panic attack.

"Devyn, I'm going to have to call you back."

"What? Why?"

"Because Sam is having a panic attack."

"Oh, okay. Call me if there are any updates or if I can help in any way." She sighed.

"Okay, I will babe." Corey sighed before Devyn hung up and Corey turned to Sam. "Sam, remember what I said? Breathe." Corey grabbed Sam's hand. "Sam, breathe." Corey demanded in a quiet voice. Sam calmed down as he took some deep breaths. "Right. Are there any places that he might go?" Corey asked as he started the car and put his seatbelt on.

"I-I... I don't know." Sam whimpered as he put his seatbelt on as well.

"Well are there like... uhh... Any special places he might go... like your first date was or where you had a really good day." Corey suggested as he started driving.

"The beach maybe?" Sam mumbled

(Only two more chapters until this book comes to and end!)

Fallen angel (Solby au) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now