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Authors note: This is the second time of me uploading this chapter as I wrote it at half ten last night to try and stay awake but I've reread it and I don't like the route it took so I've made a few changes.

A few hours later and Ruzek was still being flooded with questions about his little sister. That was until a few of them went out for lunch and ended up taking a call for a bank robbery.

"Advise responding units, plain clothes officers on the scene." Halstead said to his radio as he pulled up.
"How many hostages are there?" Upton Asked the officer who had originally responded.
"Looks to be between 10 and 15." He informed as Ruzek and Atwater arrived.
"Have you got a line of contact inside?" Halstead asked.
"Negative, we've tried but he won't answer the phone." The officer answered.
"Is it just a bank robbery gone wrong?" Ruzek asked as Atwater scanned the line of hostages lined up against the window.
"Appears that way." The officer said with a nod.
"Ruz, Isnt That..." Atwater asked, his voice trailing away as Ruzek turned around and saw what his partner was looking at.
"Shit..." Ruzek muttered.
"Isn't that what?" Halstead asked.
"Dani." Ruzek said, trying to catch his sisters gaze.
"As in your sister?" Upton Asked, scanning the line for someone with some sort of resemblance to Ruzek.
"Yep." Atwater answered for his partner.
"If they find out they've got an FBI agent in there, this will escalate fast." Upton said.
"They won't, she's good at what she does." Ruzek said. "How many hostage takers?" Ruzek asked, counting two.
"Just two." The officer answered.
"Let's try and get contact, get some hostages out." Upton said to the officer.
"Copy." He Said, walking away.
"What's your sister doing?" Halstead asked as the other three had turned away. Dani had taken a few small steps backwards, attracting the attention of the gunmen.

"Are you brain dead or something? I told you to not move!" One shouted. "You deaf as well?" He asked, getting closer as she didn't respond.
Dani span round and knocked the gun out of his hands with her elbow, quickly flicking her wrist to catch it before using the butt to knock him out and aiming at the second guy in a matter of seconds, it would've been twice as fast if her other arm hadn't have been in a sling.
"There's only two ways out of this, in a body bag or alive. Your choice." She stated, the next few seconds blurred into one as both pushed the trigger and both hit their intended targets.

"Dani!" Ruzek shouted, hearing the gunshot go off. He ran into the building, pushing against the crowd of hostages running out to safety. Ruzek ran to her side and dropped to his knees, quickly surveying the damage before taking his jacket off and pushing it to the wound. "Come on Dani, stay with me." He Said.
"She's got a good shot, point blank, middle of his head." Upton said, placing a hand on Ruzeks shoulder.
"Ambulances on the way." Atwater said as Halstead knelt next to Ruzek to check her pulse, to make sure Dani was actually alive.
"Come on Dani, stay with me." Ruzek said. "Open your eyes." He Said as the sirens got nearer.
"Jay, What've we got?" Brett asked as they walked in.
"GSW to the abdomen." Jay explained.
"What's her name?" Foster Asked as they began to work.
"Dani." Atwater said, placing his hands on Ruzeks shoulders and pulling him away.
"You know her?" Brett asked, not being able to recall a time Ruzek was this distracted other than for family.
"She's my sister." Ruzek said, his eyes still not leaving her still form.
"Shes in good hands." Jay Said, placing a reassuring hand on Ruzeks shoulder.

"You got any family you want us to call?" Maggie Asked, leadings Ruzek away from his sister and towards the waiting room.
"There's no one to call." Ruzek said with a shrug.
"Your parents aren't around?" Maggie Asked.
"Nope." Ruzek said, taking a seat in the waiting room.
"Give me a shout if you need anything." Maggie said, placing a hand on his shoulder as he left.
"Thanks." Ruzek said gratefully. He sat in the room in silence staring at the floor until the door opened and his team walked in. "What are you guys doing here?" Ruzek asked.
"Your family is our family." Voight said.
"How is she?" Burgess Asked.
"You guys know as much as me." Ruzek said sadly.

"Family of Danielle Ruzek." Connor said walking into the waiting room a while later. "She's just got out of surgery, there's no major damage, she'll be back on her feet in a few days."
"Thanks." Atwater said for Ruzek who was absorbing the information.
"Can we see her?" Adam Asked.
"Yep, follow me." Connor said.
"We best get going." Voight said.
"I'll stay, keep an eye on him." Kim Said to Atwater who was hesitant about leaving.
"Thanks." Atwater said, leaving Kim following Adam and Connor to Dani's room.

"Hey Dani, That was one hell of a stunt you pulled." Ruzek said sitting in the chair next to her whilst Kim pulled a seat up to the end of the bed. "As always you hit your target so both guys are dead, let's not make it three bodies." Ruzek said, his hand over hers. He rambled on for a few more minutes with Kim cracking the occasional smile when Dani's eyes slowly opened. "Hey." Ruzek said, Dani's eyes darted around the room for a few seconds.
"Please... someone shut... him up." She muttered.
"Hey!" Adam Said, acting insulted.
"Easier Said than done." Kim added. "How've you been?" She asked.
"Other than my idiot of a brother scaring away the second best girl in his life, and being shot twice in the space of a few weeks I'm doing pretty good." Dani Said with a smirk.
"I am here you know." Adam Said.
"Yeah, I'm aware." Dani Said, rolling her eyes.
"Now I remember why you never met the rest of the team." Adam Said.
"Who's this other girl?" Kim asked.
"Who do you think?" Adam Said, knowing what his sister was going to say.
"Me." Dani Said, like it was the most obvious thing.
"I forgot how much you two are alike." Kim Said, looking between them.

Authors note: sorry if this chapter was shockingly terribly written.

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