Undercover together

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"Do you have to go?" Dani asked, rolling over to face Kevin as he got out of bed.

"I've got to go to work, when are you back?" He asked.

"Tomorrow." Dani said. "So that means another day of going stir crazy in here." She added.

"I'm sure you'll survive." Kev joked. "Anyway, when do you think we should come clean?" He asked. "Last night made me realise I want to be able to be with you outside of our apartments."

"Tonight?" Dani asked, Kev span around to see her leaning on her bedroom doorframe.

"Are you being serious?" He asked, not sure whether she was joking or not.

"I don't see why not, try to get as many of the guys to Mollys after work and I'll meet you there." She said.

"Deal." He said, walking over and planting a kiss on her lips. "Does that include..." He trailed off not wanting to mention the miscarriage.

"No, I don't want people treating me like I'm broken and damaged." She said.

"And that's fine with me, I'm just thankful you told me so I can be here for you." Kev said.

"But you're leaving me to go to work." Dani said, looking up at Kev with puppy dog eyes.

"Don't look at me like that, I'll see you tonight." Kev said with a laugh. Once Kevin had left Dani began to wander aimlessly around her apartment before grabbing her phone and dropping onto the sofa.

Kim -> Dani: Soooo have you spoken to him?

Dani -> Kim: Yeah, he's just left my place

Kim -> Dani: Oooooh... So you're back together? 

Dani -> Kim: Yup x

Kim -> Dani: When can I meet him??? 

Dani -> Kim: Soon x

"How many of you guys can come to Molly's tonight?" Atwater asked.

"What's the occasion?" Upton questioned as normally anyone who wanted to go would go.

"Nothing, Dani said she might drop by." Atwater said with a shrug.

"You've spoken to her?" Ruzek asked.

"Yeah, I dropped by her place last night." Atwater said.

"I was going to but her phone kept going to voicemail." Ruzek said.

Kim - > Dani: Spill

Dani -> Kim: What?

Kim -> Dani: You and Kevin.

Dani -> Kim: What about it?

Kim -> Dani: You know what I mean.

Dani -> Kim: Sshhhh

Kim -> Dani: Aww, I ship it. Don't worry my lips are sealed x

Dani quickly took a screenshot of the conversation and sent it to Kev.

Atwater saw the picture and looked over at Kim who was looking at him with a smirk. 

Burgess -> Atwater: You hurt her, I hurt you

Atwater -> Burgess: Copy that


"I've got a CI that can get us an intro with the dealer." Upton declared, walking up the stairs.

"Okay, organise the meet for tomorrow. Jay, this one's yours." Voight ordered.

"Actually Sarge." Upton interupted. "My CI says this guy runs a tight circle but he values family and respects people who put family first, so why don't we send Dani and Adam."

"I like it." Voight said. "She's back tomorrow anyway, so will you be alright bringing her up to speed and sorting your covers?" He asked Adam.

"Yeah, I'll swing by her place tonight." Adam said, grabbing his phone to text his sister.

Adam -> Dani: Voight wants us undercover together tomorrow so I'm gonna swing by yours later to go over the details

Dani -> Adam: Okay, let me know when you get off, I'll order a pizza

Dani -> Kev: Looks like were gonna have to push it back, I don't want Adam hating me whilst we're under together

Kev -> Dani: Probably for the best 


"So, what have you gotten me into this time." Dani said as she opened the door to her apartment to reveal Adam.

"It wasn't me, it was Upton." Adam said defensively before explaining the case to her.

"So I'm gonna have to babysit your ass whilst undercover." Dani said with a smirk.

"Hey! I'm still going to be the older brother." Adam said.

"Yeah you are, there's no way anyone's ever going to believe I'm older than you." Dani said. Adam threw a pillow at her with a laugh.

"Are you done insulting me?" He asked.

"I'm not promising anything." Dani said. "Gimme a name then." She said, leaning back into the sofa and hugging the cushion to her chest.

"What do you mean?" Adam asked.

"It's going to be easier for you to remember it if you come up with it." Dani said. 

"I'd be able to remember whatever name you come up with, my memory's good." Adam said, Dani raised her eyebrows. "What?"

"Just remind me, how long did it take for you to learn you're own locker combo?" Dani teased.

"Okay, fair enough." Adam said, cringing as he remembered how many times he had to ask her for his combination when he first joined intelligence.

"Pick a name then, or we'll be here till Christmas." Dani said.

"Georgia." Adam said. "Gia for short." 

"Okay." Dani said with a smile. "Base the story on real events as much as possible, so if any sibling stuff comes up like stories, talk about things that really happened."

"Okay." Adam said, nodding along. 

"Why did you bring your little sister into this industry?" Dani asked, knowing it would be a question they were asked that couldn't be based on real events. "Am I an addict, ex-addict, never touched them?"

"It's the family industry, I inherited the business from dad but I'm terrible at the business side of things, so you stepped in to help." Adam said. "You've never touched drugs, dad kept you clean wanted you to go to college."

"But that wasn't my scene, dropped out and joined you." Dani said, liking his thinking. "And what's your name?" She asked, realising they had missed out a very key detail.

"Kyle Walker." Adam said.

"Here's to Kyle and Georgia Walker." Dani said, clinking their bottles together.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2020 ⏰

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