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"Halstead, Upton, take the back. Atwater, Burgess with me." Voight ordered.
"Chicago PD!" Atwater shouted as he knocked the front door to the abandoned warehouse in.
"Clear!" Burgess shouted a few minutes later.
"Clear in here!" Voight shouted.
"I've got a new padlock on a door!" Atwater said down the radio. "North side of the building."
"Kevin!" He could faintly hear a voice on the other side.
"I'm on my way." Burgess Replied, a few seconds later she was by his side. Atwater kicked the door in and the two cops quickly surveyed the room, spotting Dani doing compressions on someone. "I need an ambulance at my location." Burgess said before walking over to Dani and pulling her away from the figure she recognised as Callum.
"No! I need to be with him, I promised him I wouldn't leave him!" She cried hysterically. Burgess held her to keep her from going back to the body with all her strength. She locked eyes with Atwater who was checking for a pulse, he shook his head. "No! No! You're wrong! He's alive, he has to be!" She cried, managing to break away from Burgess and rush back to check for a pulse on her own. "It's there! I can feel it!" She Said, reaching to continue compressions.
"Dani." Atwater said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "He's gone." He said softly.
"He's not! He can't!"  She cried, she paused for a few seconds before a single tear rolled down her cheek. "He can't be gone." She Said, sitting back on her heels.
"He is." Atwater Said, slowly helping her to her feet.
"He can't be." She Said as more tears streamed down her cheeks.
"Come here." Atwater said softly, embracing her in a hug.
"He's got to be okay." She Said as his arms wrapped around her, Dani's head resting on his chest due to the height difference. She stayed like this for a few minutes before pulling herself away but still staying near him and allowing him to drape an arm over her. "How's Adam?" She Asked.
"He's awake, Antonio's with him." Burgess said.
"Buildings clear." Halstead said as he came into the room followed by Upton and Voight.
"Do you remember anything at all?" Upton Asked Dani.
"They never used names but there were three of them, the guy who used to own the nightclub's brother and two gangbangers. They never named the gang but they said they had beef with another gang so they were gonna spike the drugs and kill them and whoever they supply to which could be people off the street." She briefly explained, not sure of she was making sense.
"You married or engaged?" Voight Asked, spotting the ring on Dani's finger.
"Engaged, over four years." Dani Said, beginning to twist the ring round with her right hand.
"Good, That means there's no target on your back now because if you were married you would've inherited his share of the business." Voight Said.
"Can I work this case Sargent?" Dani Asked.
"Only out of the office, not in the field if you get cleared at med." Voight said, it wasn't the answer she was hoping for but she agreed.

"What's the verdict?" Atwater asked, walking into the treatment room Dani was in.
"Concussion and a couple stitches but I'm cleared for desk work so your stuck with me." Dani Said, trying to put on a brave face.
"You want to go see Adam real quick?" Atwater asked.
"Sure, how much does he know?" She Asked, not knowing if she could face him asking her about Lucas.
"As much as Dawson's told him." Atwater said with a shrug as he led the way to the hospital room her brother was in.
"Hey." She Said opening the door after knocking.
"You okay?" Adam Said, scanning her for injuries.
"I could say the same to you." She said sarcastically. "Concussion and a couple stitches, you?"
"Smashed collar bone." Adam Said.
"Well I've got to go, Voights got an open spot in Intelligence under the name Ruzek that I'm allowed to fill." She teased knowing how much he hated being off work.
"Be careful!" He Called after her and Atwater.
"Don't worry, she's only on desk duty." Atwater said.
"I best head off too." Dawson said standing up.
"Bye then." Adam Said sassily, with a smirk.

"You think you could ID them if you saw them again?" Upton Asked Dani as she returned to Intelligence with Atwater and Dawson.
"Probably." She Said. "Did the guy we put away have a brother?" She asked, leaning on her brothers desk.
"He had two." Jay said turning his computer around so she could see the pictures.
"The one on the right, without the beard." Dani Said, shoving her hands in the pockets of her jacket as they began to shake. "I'll be back in a minute." She declared before walking away in the direction of the locker room. As soon as she reached the room she took of Lucas's jacket and held it for a few seconds like it were a small child, her  hands trembling. Then she walked over to her brothers locker and swiftly unlocked, having memorised his code long ago when he could never remember it. She placed Lucas's jacket that he had leant her as she only had  a few clothes at his, on the bench before pulling a light blue denim jacket from Adams locker and putting it on instead.
"Hey, you okay?" Kim Asked appearing at the door of the locker room.
"I need to solve the case to save people not to avenge Lucas." Dani Said, neatly folding the jacket she had taken off and placing it at the bottom of her brothers locker and closing it.
"Voight wants to see you in his office when you're ready." Kim Said softly before leaving.

"Sargent, you wanted to see me?" Dani Said, knocking at his door a few minutes later.
"Yes, close the door." He said, putting his pen down. "Firstly stop with the Sargent, I know you want to be here right now but you're family, you don't need to. Secondly, my previous offer still stands if you're interested?"
"Once again, thank you for the offer Sar... Voight but I'm gonna he'll solve this case then go spend some time at my grandads old cabin, Clear my head." Dani explained.
"Take it anyway, you can still go to your cabin but at least you know you'll have a job to come back to." Voight Said, reaching into his desk and pulling out a detective badge.
"Thank you." Dani said taking it and turning it over a few times in her hand. "Is there anything else?"
"I think Atwater and Halstead have some more pictures they want to run past you." Voight said.
"You okay?" Atwater asked as soon as she had shut the door behind her.
"I'm good, Voight Said you'd found some more pictures?" Dani Said, walking over to where they were sat, placing the badge on Adams desk on her way past.
"Is that what I think it is?" Jay asked curiously, standing up to get a better view.
"Yes, it's a Chicago PD detective badge. It looks like it's about to get confusing round here." Dani Said with a smirk.
"Congrats." Upton said kindly.
"Yay, mini Ruzek's staying!" Atwater said like a little kid who had just been promised ice cream.
"You showing me these pictures or not?" Dani Said, tapping Atwater's shoulder.
"Yes boss." He said. "Wait So you still outrank Adam?"
"Yep." Dani Said smugly.
"You recognise any of these?" Atwater said pulling up a group of mugshots.
"Nope." Dani Said, scanning each face.
"These?" Atwater said clicking onto the next group.
"Him." She Said, pointing at a guy. "And him. It was those two." She Said pointing at a second. "He's the one who shot Lucas." She Said, returning to the first guy.
"Go check up on your brother." Voight ordered Dani.
"Okay." She said knowing they were going to find these guys. "What will they get charged with two kidnapping each and then one with murder? Maybe a manslaughter if anyone dies from the drugs?" She Asked.
"I've just spoken to the D.A. he recons one count kidnapping, one count kidnapping of a police officer and murder in the second degree for all of them and first degree murder for the one who pulled the trigger." Voight Said.
"But neither of us were police officers at the time?" Dani Asked, visibly confused as she quickly grabbed her stuff from Adams desk.
"I'd offered you the job, you accepted. You were technically a cop at the time." Voight shrugged.

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