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"Help, I think I just saw two people get kidnapped!" A man shouted as he ran into the ED at Chicago med.
"Sargent Voight!" Maggie Called as she saw the man about to leave to go home.
"Show me what happened." Voight ordered as he followed the obviously panicked man back out into the parking lot.
"They were getting out of this car, a van pulled up. I don't think it had any plates on. Someone pulled them into the back and they drove away." The witness explained.
"What colour was the van?" Voight Asked as he looked through the cars windows.
"Black." The witness said. "Think it was a Ford something."
"Can you describe the victims?" Voight Asked, pulling his phone out to call his team in.
"A man and a woman, both looked physically fit, late twenties early thirties. The guy had blonde hair the girl had light brown, short hair." He described.
"Sarge, what's going on?" Atwater asked as the team slowly arrived one by one. Voight explained what he knew before giving out orders.
"Burgess, Antonio, go check the hospitals CCTV footage. Atwater, Halstead, go back to the district and try and find the van on pod footage, our witness said it didn't have any plates on. Upton and I are going to try and find any more witnesses. I want an ID on the victims and a location on the van ASAP." He ordered.
"Copy." Antonio Said before heading into the building with Burgess.

"This the car you want?" The CCTV guy said, as the screen showed the car the witness had said was the victims.
"Yep, let it play." Burgess said said, watching the screen.
"Is that Dani?" He Said as the female figure emerged from the car.
"That looks like Callum, I'm not positive, I haven't seen him in two and a half years but it definitely could be." Kim Said. "Can you zoom in on both their faces and print it then press play."
"Ok." The guy said, pressing a few buttons making the printer start whirring and the video play.

A few minutes later and Burgess and Antonio had rejoined Voight and Upton outside the hospital.
"So we ran facial ID on those pictures Kim sent us and it looks like she was right, the girl is Dani. The guy however has two identities, Callum Till and Lucas Scott." Atwater read.
"That makes sense, last I heard of him, he went off the grid whilst undercover." Burgess said.
"Callum went off the grid around three and a half - four years ago, Lucas however owns a luxury apartment, and has multiple shares in nightclubs across the city. Including the one we sent Dani undercover in.' Halstead explained.
"So that's how they reconnected and if he took over the business then that's motive." Dawson said.
"We also tracked the van to an abandoned building site." Atwater added.
"Let's hit it." Voight ordered.

The team didn't find any people, only a burning van and a few spots of blood.
"One of them is injured! I've got fresh blood." Dawson declares as he spotted the red puddle.
Let's hope it's Lucas not Dani." Upton said.
"One of them might've put up a fight, they are both ex FBI." Halstead said trying to be optimistic.

"Lucas, you still with me?" Dani Said, her hand blindly trying to find him.
"I'm here." He Said quietly, obviously weak. They had tried to put up a fight whilst being transferred from one van to another, but it had been three v two and they had overpowered Dani and shot Lucas in the torso. A few seconds later she found his ice cold hand.
"Please, don't leave me, helps on its way." Dani said, wrapping her hand around his. She was pretty certain no one was coming back as she had overheard their plan, the leader was the guy she had helped arrest brother but thankfully they didn't know that, he believed he was the rightful heir to the business. The rest of the guys had beef with one of the gangs Lucas distributed to, their plan was to help the brother to take over the business and poison an entire batch killing the gang themselves but also all the innocent people they distributed to. Judging by the fact the plan didn't mention herself or Lucas again and they weren't currently dead, they weren't coming back for them.
Once she had regained enough consciousness to stand up, she found her right hand chained to the wall. "You still with me babe?" She Asked as she walked towards where she could faintly make out the silhouette of his body. "Lucas?" She called out as she dropped to his side, one hand moving to his neck desperately searching for a pulse. "Lucas?" She called as she continued the search. "Callum!" She shouted as she began CPR on his lifeless form, ignoring her own pain.

"Sargent Voight, Adam Ruzek is waking up." Maggie Said, walking over to the group who had returned to Chicago Med to check up on their friend.
"Is there anyone we can call to sit with him?" Voight Asked.
"His file has Dani and Kim as emergency contacts." Maggie said.
"Neither were close with their parents, they were close with the mothers grandparent but there both dead." Burgess recalled. "He always saw Al as a father, so did Dani when they met." Burgess said sadly.
"I'll stay." Dawson volunteered knowing he wasn't the closest to Dani originally.
"I'll take you up to his room." Maggie said, almost immediately after they had left Atwater's phone pinged.
"Sarge, I put a trace on the three numbers registered to Lucas Scott. One of them just pinged at a warehouse a few miles away from here, in the direction of the building site." He Said.
"Let's go." Voight ordered.

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