Night In Chicago

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Authors note: This chapter is based on Chicago P.D. season 6 episode 13  'Night In Chicago'. I have changed who said some of the lines but it was such a powerful episode and I couldn't stop thinking about how Dani would've fit in.

A few weeks later

"Hey." Dani said with a smile as she cornered Atwater in the empty locker room. 

"Hey." Atwater said, returning her smile.

"I've missed having you around." She said, leaning on the lockers opposite his.

"I've missed being around, but it won't be much longer now." Atwater said, placing a gentle kiss on her lips.

"It's almost over?" She asked, laying her arms over his shoulders.

"Yup." He said, placing another kiss on her lips.


"All right, Atwater's gonna be with Daryl at the meet." Voight explained their plan. "We set a perimeter around the auto detail shop. Dani, I want you outside on foot. Goal is, we snatch up Daryl fast and quiet, get him right back out on the street as a cooperating witness."

"How are you so calm, dawg?" Daryl asked. 

"I just am." Atwater replied. "People only really get scared when they trying to be something they ain't."

"Hmm, right." Daryl said, clearly thinking what he said over. 

"I used to tell my little brother that right before basketball games. I'd say, Know your role. Don't be scared of who you are." Atwater said.

 "I like that." Daryl said with a nod. "Yeah. I might just drop that on Vance before his next game." He added. 

"Atwater and Daryl just passed us, maroon SUV." Dawson said into his radio.

"Copy that. We're in position on the northeast corner, got eyes on the auto detail shop.  Dani, you good?" Halstead said.

"Yeah, roger that. I'm at the southwest corner outside the meeting spot, out back." Dani replied within seconds.

"Yo, you ain't packing, right?" Atwater asked.

"Nah, man. Your boy said no guns. Gotta respect the seller's demand."Daryl said, looking over his shoulder as he heard police sirens. "What the hell?" He muttered.

"Pull the vehicle to the curb. Now." The cop ordered.

"You can't be serious. We're barely going 20 miles an hour." Atwater protested.

"What the hell is going on? They're 20 yards from the meeting spot." Adam said, clearly annoyed.

"Turn your car off, sir." The first cop said. 

"What's up, guys? Where you headed?" The second asked.

"Visiting a friend." Daryl stated.

"This friend got a name?" The first cop asked.

"May I ask what this is about, Officer?" Atwater asked.

"No, you may not. You just answer the question and keep your hands where I can see 'em." The second cop ordered.

"Name is Tony." Atwater answered.

"Right, two brothers visiting a dago? It doesn't ring true, homie." The same cop said with a smirk.

"Hey, Sarge, are you hearing this?" Dani said.

"Everybody stand down, just let it play out. Hopefully, these guys don't burn Atwater, blow this whole thing up." Voight ordered.

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