I was...

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"My CI thinks he knows where our guy is." Dawson said, coming up the stairs. They had conducted a drug bust earlier but one of the guys had got away.

"Hit it." Voight ordered.


"Chicago PD, open up or we'll knock the door in!" Atwater shouted, when no one opened the door he kicked it in and entered the property followed by Upton and Dawson whilst Halstead and Dani secured the back.

"We've got one male, running out the back!" Upton's voice came through the radio as the back door opened and Dani tackled the suspect to the ground but he fought back and got a few punches in before Jay managed to pull him off of her.

"You okay?" Jay asked as he cuffed the guy who had turned out to be the guy they were looking for.

"Just knocked the air out of me." Dani said, leaning against the wall whilst she regained her breath, her undercover training coming in useful as she pushed all fears over the baby to the back of her mind.

"At least it's not a black eye this time." Halstead joked as he handed the suspect off to two uniformed officers and they headed back to the precinct.


As soon as they got back to the precinct Dani excused herself and headed into the bathroom. She was just coming out of one of the stalls when Burgess walked in.

"If you looked bad earlier, you look like death now." Burgess joked. Kim had always seen Dani as a little sister so she was instantly worried.

"Thanks." Dani said, leaning against the sink. 

"You sure you're okay?" Burgess asked as Dani winced as she stood back up straight.

"I think I might've broken a rib." Dani said.

"You want me to drive you to med?" Kim offered.

"I'll take myself, can you just tell Voight where I've gone?" Dani said, Kim nodded.


On her way over to med, Dani had text Nat making sure she was at work. As soon as Dani entered the ED Dr Manning was at her side.

"Are you okay?" Nat asked, instantly knowing something was wrong.

"There was an incident at work, now I'm bleeding." Dani said as she allowed Nat to lead her into a treatment room.

"You think you're having a miscarriage?" Nat said as Dani took a seat on the bed, Dani nodded. "Have you told anyone? Adam? The father?" Dani shook her head again. Dr Manning conducted another ultrasound in silence aside from the noise of the ED outside.

Once she was finished Nat's eyes met Dani's and something in them made Dani know what she was about to say.

"Dani." Nat said softly, sitting in the same place she had sat the day before.

"It wasn't meant to be." Dani said, desperately trying to control her emotions. Nat reached out and took her hand.

"You should tell someone, talk to someone. I can talk to Dr Charles if you want?" Nat said.

"No shrinks, I'll tell someone." Dani said.

"What did you tell Voight?" Nat asked.

"Broken rib." Dani said.

"You're going to have to take a few days off so we'll just say it was a broken rib." Nat said, squeezing her hand.

"Thank you." Dani mouthed, squeezing Nat's hand, not trusting her voice. They sat in silence for a few moments before Dr Mannings pager went off.

"Talk to someone, don't keep it bottled up." Nat said as she stood up.

"I will." Dani said, wiping the tears from her cheeks and pulling herself together enough to walk through the ED, past her and her brother's friends, to her car.


"Sarge." Adam said heading into his boss's office. "Dani's just text me, she's broken her ribs so the docs have given her a few days off." He told Voight.


Dani text her brother whilst she was sat in the parking lot allowing a few more tears to slip down her cheeks before she drove off. She didn't really know where she was driving but she decided she couldn't go home because that was where she had the argument with Kev. Before she knew what she was doing she had pulled into the cemetery car park and walking towards her mothers grave.

"Hey mum." Dani said, sitting on the ground in front of the gravestone. "You almost had your first grandchild today." She said, remembering how much her mum wanted to have grandchildren. "You were always right, weren't you? You knew being a police officer was too dangerous for me. It was Kev's baby. I told you about him last time, right? He's Adams friend and I haven't spoken to him since he broke up with me last night. Don't worry, it wasn't because I told him I was pregnant, he's not like that." Dani rambled on, the occasional tear racing down her cheek. "It's getting dark, I best go. Love you." Dani said, realising how long she must've been sat there for as it was around 3 when she had arrived.

Dani got back to her car, where she had left her phone, to find several missed calls from Adam along with two voicemails.

"Hey sis, it's me. I've just finished work so I'm gonna drop by yours. I was just wondering if you wanted takeout?" 

Dani deleted the message and listened to the second.

"Hey, it's me again. I'm outside your place but you're not answering so I'm gonna go, let me know when you get this."

Dani quickly sent him a text saying the docs had given her painkillers and she had been asleep. It didn't take long for Adam to reply: And you say I'm a deep sleeper! I'll drop by after work tomorrow x

Dani put her phone down on the passenger seat and Dr Mannings advice came through her head and she decided to drive to the person she trusted the most right now.


"Dani?" Kim asked, opening her apartment door to see the youngest Ruzek stood there with tear stained cheeks. "Come here." She said as another tear slipped from Dani's eyes as she tried to figure out what to say, Kim enveloped Dani in a hug. "What's wrong?" Kim said, guiding her into the apartment and onto the sofa.

"I was pregnant." Dani said shakily before erupting into tears.

"You poor thing." Kim said immediately understanding what she meant, wrapping her arms around Dani and allowing her to cry onto her shoulder whilst she ran her hand comfortingly up and down her back.

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