I think I'm...

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A few weeks later

"Why are we here?" Dani asked as Atwater pulled up next to a diner.

"Can a guy not take his girl out for breakfast on her day off?" Kevin asked.

"Can I get you a drink?" The waitress asked.

"Just a coffee for me thanks." Kevin said, taking a seat in the booth she had guided them to.

"Can I just have a water please?" Dani asked with a smile.

"I'll bring them over and take your orders in just a sec." The girl said nodding.

"What's up with you?" Atwater asked.

"What do you mean?" Dani asked defensively.

"You took a random day off for no reason and now your choosing water over coffee?" He asked.

"I haven't been feeling too great recently that's all." Dani said with a shrug. "I spoke to Will and he told me to lay off the coffee."

"Okay, I can call Voight and take the day off if you want." He offered.

"No, I'll be okay." Dani said.


"Hi, how can I help you?" The hospital receptionist said kindly.

"I was hoping to see Doctor Manning?" Dani said nervously.

"A patient or friend?" The receptionist asked.

"Kind of both." Dani said.

"Fill these in." She said, handing Dani some forms. "And we're pretty quiet right now so I'll go and see if Doctor Manning is free."

"Thank you." Dani said, taking a seat and beginning to fill in the forms.

"Dani." Nat said as she came out of the ED a few minutes later. "Is everything okay?" She asked.

"Is there somewhere more private we can talk?" Dani asked, suddenly aware of the number of eyes on her.

"Of course." Nat said, leading her through to a treatment room.

"I think I'm pregnant." Dani blurted once the curtain was closed behind them. "But you can't tell anyone, Adam can't find out."

"You have my word." Nat said kindly. "We can either order some blood tests or do an ultrasound." She said.

"Whichever is quickest." Dani said. "Will you be able to tell how far along I am?"

"You don't know who the father is?" Nat asked as she set up for the ultrasound.

"It's one of two." Dani said.

"Could you pull your top up slightly for me." Nat said before placing the cold gel onto Dani's stomach. "Congratulations." Nat said as she moved the wand around.

"I'm definitely pregnant?" Dani said, looking at the monitor.

"And if I had to put a guess at how far along I'd guess around six maybe seven weeks." Nat said, clearing up. "Does that help narrow it down?" She asked.

"Yep." Dani said, pulling her top down and sitting up, running her hands over her face.

"It's not the timeframe you were hoping for?" Nat asked, taking a seat on the end of the bed.

"I don't know what I was hoping for." Dani said.

"You've got my number, ring me if you need anything." Nat said, emphasising the last word.


That night Dani was out with Adam and Kevin, planning to tell them the news, they were walking from their car to the restaurant when a young woman, barely 20 if they had to guess, ran across the road.

"Rose?" She called, Dani stopped dead in her tracks and shared a worried glance with Adam.

"I'll meet you inside." Dani said, Adam nodded and guided Kevin inside.

"Is it really you?" The girl asked.

"Kylie, what are you doing here?" Dani asked, Kylie was one of the other girls she had met whilst undercover.

"I thought you were dead." Kylie said, completely ignoring the question.

"Nows not a good time." Dani said.

"When will be? We need to catch up." Kylie said.

"More like you want my money for drugs." Dani said.

"I do not!" Kylie said, acting offended. "Tomorrow?"

"There will never be a good time alright? That life is behind me." Dani said.

"You know where to find me if you change your mind." Kylie said, walking away.


"What did that girl want earlier?" Kevin asked. Dani had gone into the restaurant once Kylie had left and eaten with her brother and boyfriend but couldn't tell them about the baby. They had then all gone their seperate ways but Kevin had shown up at her apartment and she had let him in and they were now sat on the sofa.

"What girl?" Dani asked.

"The one calling you Rose?" Kevin pressed.

"I can't really tell you, it's from when I was in the FBI." Dani said, hoping he dropped it but he didn't.

"I thought you were in New York?" He asked, Dani didn't answer, she didn't know how to. "How did I not see it earlier?" Atwater said, standing up. "You're the girl, Rose, from the case a few months ago. That ended the day you showed up." He said. "You lied to me." He said, getting his coat.

"Kev." Dani said, wanting to explain. "It's the FBI, it's all confidential." 

"Does Adam know?" Kevin asked, stopping at the door. Dani opened her mouth to answer but couldn't think of an explanation. "He did didn't he!" He said as she got up. "I need to clear my head." he said leaving. Dani dropped back onto the sofa tears beginning to stream down her cheeks. She didn't realise what she had done until the tear subsided and she found her hand sat on her stomach making her cry again.


"Hey, did you sleep last night?" Burgess said, noticing the bags under Dani's eyes.

"I had a headache, couldn't sleep." Dani continued the lie she had made to cover up her pregnancy symptoms.

"What did the doctors say yesterday?" Adam asked clearly concerned about his little sister.

"They're running some blood tests but until they come back I've got to lay off the caffeine and alcohol." Dani said.

"You can take the day off if you want." Voight said, overhearing the conversation.

"I'm good thanks Sarge." Dani said, getting on with her work.

Authors note: Sorry I've not been active over the past month, I've been really busy with exams but I only have one left so I should be more active again now.

Quick disclaimer for this storyline: I know absolutely nothing about pregnancy and I have tried to do some research (as I normally do) and I've discovered future events are not 100% realistic but I am going to try and make it as realistic as possible. 

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