Are we good?

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"Does Adam know?" Kim asked, she had led Dani to her sofa before helping the detective calm down slightly.

"No." Dani said, her voice shaking.

"What about the father?" Kim asked, a second thought crossing her mind as she did so. "Was it Callums?"

"No, I was with another guy for a few weeks. Until he broke up with me last night." Dani explained. 

"He left because you were pregnant?" Kim asked.

"No, he left because we had an argument." Dani said. "He would've made a great father." Dani said, breaking down into tears again.

"Just like you will make a great mother one day." Kim said, wrapping Dani in a hug.

"What do I do? Do I tell him?" Dani asked Kim, despite knowing she had never been in this situation but for some reason, she felt that Kim would know what to do.

"Do you have similar groups of friends? Because if you do, he's gonna find out anyway and it would probably be better for him to hear it from you." Kim advised.

"Okay." Dani said. "I'll tell him."

"And you'll be able to work through it together." Kim added. "If he isn't a gentleman about it he isn't worth any more of your time."

"I think he's working tomorrow but I'll tell him next time we're both free." Dani said with a small smile.


Dani ended up staying the night at Kim's after they stayed up half the night catching up as they rarely saw each other outside of work without at least one of the boys present.

"Tonio." Kim called to her partner as she walked up the stairs into Intelligence. She led Antonio into the break room before shutting the door behind them.

"What's up?" Antonio asked, sensing a slight change in his partner's demeanour.

"Do you know if Casey and Severide are on shift today?" Kim asked.

"They are, why?" Antonio answered with his own question.

"Call it my own mini-investigation." Burgess said, not wanting to betray Dani's trust.

"And you think one of the guys at 51 had something to do with whatever it is?" Antonio asked.

"Possibly." Kim said, grabbing her coffee and leaving.


Dani: Hey, can we talk?

Kevin: I was gonna call you last night but Adam said he was going to your place. Did you tell him?

Dani: Are you still alive? Of course I didn't, I didn't even see him.

Kevin: Do you want me to come by yours after work?

Dani: Yeah


"Hey." Atwater said nervously as Dani opened her apartment door.

"Hey." Dani said, lifting her gaze so their eyes met.

"Is everything okay?" Atwater asked, noticing the tear stains on her cheeks.

"You should probably come in." Dani said, praying that her voice would hold long enough for her to tell him.

"Dani, you're really worrying me." Atwater said, following her into her apartment. "I thought Adam said you'd broke a rib?" He questioned as Dani moved painlessly around her apartment.

"That's what I told him." Dani said, pacing back and forth through her apartment's open plan kitchen-living room whilst Kev leant against the kitchen counter. When she passed him again Atwater reached out his arms and lovingly took her hands in his, holding her in place. Their eyes met and hers were glassy, he could feel her hands trembling as he held them in his. "I had a miscarriage." She said, her voice finally cracking as the tears began to roll down her cheeks. Atwater didn't know what to say so instead of trying to form a sentence he pulled her tiny, fragile form towards him and held her there.

"Was it mine?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper. Dani nodded her head into his chest.

"I'm sorry." She said between sobs.

"What are you sorry for? I'm the one who should be sorry, I should've been here for you." He said, his hand running up and down her back. 

"You've got nothing to be sorry for." She said, looking up so that their eyes met again. "I didn't tell you, and I was the one that got into a fight."

"Still. I should've come over earlier." He said, leaning down and placing a kiss in her hair.

"I've got deja vu." Dani joked with a small, slightly sad smirk. She said, standing on her tiptoes and gently placing a kiss on Kevin's lips. "Stay." She said, pulling away and meeting his gaze.

"Of course." He said, gently placing a hand on her cheek and wiping the last tear away. "I was an idiot, freaking out on you the other night. It was just you protecting yourself and all of us."

"I've spent the entire day hoping we can get past it, work something out. Even if that means I have to explain it all to you." She said, a slight flash of fear sliding across her features.

"You don't need to explain anything to me, but I'm here if you ever want to talk about it." Kev assured her.

"So are we good?" Dani asked, her eyes searching for any sign of a response on Kev's face. His lips crashed into hers, taking her breath away. They had kissed many times before but it had never been as loving as this one. "I'll take that as a yes." She said, a few seconds later after catching her breath.

"Before I met you I couldn't imagine ever settling down with anyone, I'd be stupid to let that go. To let you go." He said.

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