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A week later
Adam had just text Dani saying he and Kevin were ten minutes from the cabin. Dani had spent the entirety of the last week thinking about that kiss and Lucas. Back when they were in the FBI he always told her that if the worse were to happen to him he wanted her to move on, fall in love again without feeling bad about it. So surely he would be happy for her? But was it too soon? Had she really fallen in love again on the same day he had died? Was it just a rebound? She was friends with Kev anyway, as was her brother, did she really want to put both those relationships on the line if it didn't work out? She felt safe with Kevin, she trusted him. God, he was the only person she had ever told about her father, not even Lucas knew about her past.
"Hey, it's us!" Adams voice echoed through the cabin.
"Hey." Dani said, walking from the kitchen where she had been anxiously awaiting their arrival.
"This place really hasn't changed." Adam said after embracing his little sister.
"When was the last time you came up here?" Dani asked, looking around the small hallway.

"Grandad, where are we?" 10 year old Dani asked, looking around the small hallway.
"This is my little getaway for when your grandma is nagging me." The childs grandad replied.
"Is this something to do with Mum and Dad?" 14 year old Adam asked.
"How about we go put your stuff in your rooms?" He replied, completely swerving the question.

"When we came up here with Kim and Callum." Adam said, watching her for a response from the mention of her dead fiancé.
"I'm surprised you remembered the way." Dani teased glazing over the memory.
"Oh, trust me, he almost didn't. I was ready to get my phone out and google it." Kev said with a smirk.
"I'm gonna go to the little boys room." Adam said.
"You know where it is, right? Or do you need to me show you." Dani teased. As soon as Adam was out of sight she reached out for Kevins hand. "Come on, you want a beer?" She asked as they reached the kitchen.
"Sure." Kevin said, leaning back against the counter. "Than..." He stopped as Dani pulled one of the two bottles of beer she had just opened away from him after going to hand it to him.
"You really think I've forgot about that night?" She asked, putting the beers on the counter on either side of him, there faces inches apart.
"I highly doubt that, it's all I've been thinking about." He said, making no attempts to pull away.
"Well, hopefully we've both come to the same conclusion." Dani said, standing up on her tip toes and placing a gentle kiss on his lips.
"Are you sure about this?" He asked, his hands wrapping around her and resting on the small of her back.
"Yeah." Dani said.
"You know Voights gonna hate you? He hates in-house relationships." Kevin said with a smile.
"Oh well, it's not my fault you're the perfect man." She said, standing back on her tip toes and placing another kiss on his lips which he deepened.
"You want to tell Adam about this?" Kevin asked.
"Let him work it out for himself." Dani said with a smirk, pulling away as she heard the bathroom door open.
"I found an apartment to move into back in Chicago." Dani said as Adam walked back in and she finally handed Kevin his beer. "I was just asking Kev to help me move in." She said, it wasn't totally a lie, she had gotten an apartment, that just wasn't necessarily what they had been talking about.
"Does that mean you're coming back with us tomorrow?" Adam asked.
"No, I'm gonna stay a few more days." Dani said.
"Okay." Adam said. "So I figured you wouldn't have much food in so we brought some pizzas." Adam said, pulling two pizza boxes from his overnight bag having found limited food in the fridge but enough beers to keep the trio happy.
"Thanks." Dani said, opening one of the boxes and taking a slice.
"I didn't say it was for you." Adam joked, taking his own slice.
"Aw, love you too big bro." Dani said.
"Where's your apartment?" Adam asked.
"62nd and Oakfield, it's near yours and near the district." Dani said.
"That's only like two, three block away from my place." Kevin said.

A few days later
"Hey." Dani said answering her phone.
"Hey sis." Adam said. "Can I ask you a favour?"
"Sure, name it." Dani said, leaning against the kitchen counter in the cabin.
"Kev's little brother reached out to me, he's booked plane tickets so he can bring their little sister over for Kev's birthday. Only problem is Jordan and Vanessa left Chicago because Jordan had a target on his back, so I was hoping you would pick them up from the airport and look after them till we finish work." Adam explained.
"When does their plane land?" Dani asked.
"Tomorrow morning at half eleven." Adam said.
"I'll be there." Dani said she said, hanging up.

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