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Dani's undercover went as expected, she managed to talk her way into the back room, plant the bug and get out in under two hours. Intelligence managed to get the intel to shut down the operation and the case was closed.

"Hey kid, you've just missed your brother." Platt Said as Dani approached the front desk.
"I'm here to see Sargent Voight actually." Dani Said, placing her hands in her pocket.
"Let me buzz you up." Platt Said, catching Dani's eyes for a second before her gaze returned to the floor.

"Come In!" Voight called as Dani knocked in the door to his office. "What can I do for you Dani?" He Asked, confused as to why the younger Ruzek was in his office.
"Is there any paperwork you need me to do from the other day?" Dani Asked, her eyes scanning his desk.
"I just sent Adam home with some." Voight said.
"Have you got another copy?" Dani Asked, a hint of desperation in her voice.
"What's going on Dani?" Voight Asked.
"I need to go off the grid for a couple weeks." Dani said bluntly, Voight stood up and got the paperwork for her. "I'll bring it to the front desk once I'm finished." Dani Said taking it from him.
"Does Adam know what you're doing?" Voight Asked.
"No." Dani paused. "I'll text him later." She added.
"You know I've spoken to a few people and I am able to offer you a permanent place in my unit." Voight said.
"Thank you for the offer, and I would've taken it a few days ago but I need to sort something out." Dani Said.
"It'll still be here when you come back." Voight said.
"Can you make sure Adam doesn't come looking for me?" Dani Asked, realising the likelihood of her brother freaking out.
"I'll try as long as you check in with me regularly." Voight bargained, knowing that the sudden departure of this girl would hurt more than one member of his unit.
"How?" Dani Asked. "I'm leaving my phone in my car at Adams." She added.
"You know the bridge on 78th?" Voight said after a moment of thought. "Next to that there's an old post office, every other day leave a note or something in box 102." Voight said.
"Okay." Dani Said, flipping the paper work in her hand. "Thanks Sargent." She said walking out.

Dani spent the next few hours in a 24 hour coffee shop a few blocks away from the precinct doing the paperwork for Voight. As soon as she'd finished it she drove back to the precinct.
"How may I help you?" The night desk Sargent asked her.
"Can you pass this along to Sargent Voight." She said handing the envelope to him.
Dani left and drove to the nearest ATM and withdrew a few hundred dollars before heading back to the parking garage of Adams apartment. Driving up to the building she could see the lights were still on in her brothers apartment. She parked the car in her usual spot before quickly sending a text to Adam.

 She parked the car in her usual spot before quickly sending a text to Adam

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She got a reply in a matter of seconds. She switched the phone off and left it on the passenger seat of her car before getting out, pulling her rucksack from the boot, locking the car up and walking out of the building.

"Sarge, I think Dani's missing." Ruzek said, bursting into his office.
"Shut the door." Voight said, calmly looking up from the paperwork he was signing off on for Dani. "She's not missing, she just needs some time. Like you did when Burgess got moved up." Voight said calmly.
"How do you know that?" Adam Asked, clearly agitated.
"She came to see me last night, to get the paperwork from the case and to tell me to stop you from looking for her." Voight explained.
"Where is she?" Adam Asked.
"I don't know." Voight said calmly.
"I got a call from the FBI this morning, Dani resigned at 5 am. Permanently. They want me to go and get her stuff cause she isn't answering her phone." Adam Said.
"She just needs time." Voight said.

Dani had walked across town, dropping at the the FBI office in her way past, now she was stood outside the building she had been undercover in a few days earlier. She looked around and spotted a slightly dodgy looking coffee shop across the road and figured she would be able to wait in there for a few hours until the guy she was looking for showed up.

As soon as she saw the familiar figure pull up she jumped out of her seat, leaving $10 on the table to pay for the two coffees and ran across the road to him before he could reach the door.
"How can I help..." he paused as his eyes met Dani's. "Dani..." He Said, placing a hand on the side of her face.
"What do I call you now?" She Asked.
"Lucas." He said, his eyes not leaving hers. "You undercover?" He Asked, scanning the street.
"Nope, search me if you want." Dani Said.
"You were the other night?" He Asked, Dani looked away for the first time.
"Yeah... I resigned this morning." She Said, Lucas placed a finger under her chin and raised her head so they were looking in the eyes.
"Thank you." He said, kissing her. Dani allowed herself to melt into the feeling she had missed so much over the past three years.
"What was that for?" She Asked as they came up for air.
"You, Adam, Kim and the rest of the team gave me this place." He Said, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and turning her towards the nightclub.
"You own this place?" Dani Asked, surprised.
"We brought it 50 50 originally but he's gone so it's mine now." Lucas said. "It can be ours if you want." Noticing the ring she had on.
"Today's the first day in two and a half years I've been able to wear it." She Said, raising her left hand from her side to look at the engagement ring.

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