17|| I promise

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I fiddled with the cereal, moving it from one side of the bowl to the other, not really feeling like eating them

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I fiddled with the cereal, moving it from one side of the bowl to the other, not really feeling like eating them. My stomach had been closed off ever since yesterday's accident. Granny forced me to swallow some of the burning soup, especially to make me heat up from the freezing in the rain but there was no used. I got sick either way. Snuggling tighter in the thick blanket I still feeling those unpleasant chills down my spine and knew fever was on the corner.

No problem, actually I got more urgent things bothering me. Like the permanent frown plastered on Granny before me as she as well glanced her breakfast not really into taking it. She's been so... cold. So shocked. I didn't know if she was processing it or if she was disappointed but my heart hurt more and more the more minutes her usual goofy grin is locked away. I mean, yesterday he did take care of me and talked to the school and all, but after putting it all on a roll she'd became this shadow of herself... far, so far away...

"So," she cleared her throat, breaking the agonizing silence in the kitchen, only flued by the clock's ticking. "How are you feeling today?"

"Doze." I mustered in a husky voice that only lead me to cough. My head pulsing. Man! I wrapped the blanket closer, I was really getting cold.

Granny nodded, stirring her coffee some more. "Understandable." she took a small sip. "After you got your breakfast you go back to bed and caught up some sleep. I think it's safe to say you won't be going school today." Another sip. The quietness in her voice was killing me. "I'll get some stuff done here and then you're gonna tell me everything. For real this time."

My heart raced and my finger tightened on the blanket. "I did..." but her pointed look stopped me."

"Oh, you did? Who was it then?"

Jade's murderous glare flashed throught my mind, Noel's cruel laugh, Shannon's kicks... I grimaced. If that was only for going to the principal, I could only imagine what would happen if I did gave their names.

Had it gone too far?


Did I want this to stop?

Hell yes!

But the thing is that it scared the shit out of me. They'd already had crossed all the lines possible, their bullying became physical this time. They stripped me down to the freezing rain, for God's sake! What wouldn't they do?


"No." she slammed the cup on the wooden table, her calmness shattering and making me flinch. "This already gone too far. You've always been such a smart girl. I didn't dig, did I? I trusted you to be mature enough to solve your problems, to search help when needed to, as you've always had. But this... This, Alyson. Bullying. " I looked down in shame at the awful truth. "Yesterday you said it had gone over for years!"

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