36|| PART ONE || Handle it your way

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Dedicated to BlueBerry_Always, thanks a lot for the amazing support <33!

Dedicated to BlueBerry_Always, thanks a lot for the amazing support <33!

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"Hi." I grinned as I opened the door and came face to face with Connor. To my surprise, he was kinda dressed up for the occasion. True to his words, he didn't wear a suit -no surprise there- but he was in his black jeans -the ones without wholes on them- a plain dark shirt and his leather jacket. His hair also looked less disheaveled than usually but it could be my perception. I smiled at the effort he put on it and, let's be fair, it showed. "You look good."

He hummed, detached from emotions as usual but his eyes slid over me for brief seconds. "Likewise."

I blushed and stepped aside for him to come in muttering a low thank you. I could tell he was taken aback by me letting him in when we were supposedly to match straight towards the school from here and the red in my face harshened. "Oh, mh, yes. C-could you step in for a second? My grandma-"

"Is he here already?" came Granny's voice lowering the stairs. "Come in come in, I'm ready for the pictures. Bring him to the the fireplace."

Connor's brow perked in the slightest to my mortification and mouthed: "Pictures?"

"She..." I cleared my throat, fiddling with the skirt of the gown. "She w-want to do one of those typical pics before we go... b-but it's okay if you don't want to. I-I could tell her that-" but he cut my nervous ramble with a shrug.

"It's fine."

I let out a relieved breath. "Thanks, come in then."

Granny was super excited to meet Connor, not seeming to mind his lack of reactions or straight face most of the time. I got to say, for Connor, he was being nice to her. He let her snap a couple pictures and didn't make anything openly rude other than being all closed off... but well, this was Connor after all.

A part of me was sure Granny only was this excited because me going with him meant no Brett. She'd asked me dozens of times over this past week who would I be going with and it was all in her suspition I might end up going with the auburn. She'd grown to dislike him ever since she found out about the bullying, and I still couldn't made her realized I'd been mistaken as well and that it wasn't his doing.

Just thinking of him got my stomach churning. If we were... well, whatever we were with this 'taking things slow', we'll have to find a way to win her over again.

I was affraid this would push Connor's limits a bit too far but despites mild signs of discomfort he went along with it, not really talking but it wasn't like Granny was giving him a change, babbling excited about how much fun this night would be and how we would treasure it for the rest of our life yada- yada-yada.

I felt my face flushing everytime she hinted we were going as something more than friends and, just like with Connor, it wasn't as if she was bothered by what I had to say about it.

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