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Turns out being the disignated chauffeur wasn't such a pleasant job, after all

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Turns out being the disignated chauffeur wasn't such a pleasant job, after all. Especially when Norah was far to booze to be responsive after we dropped Macy at her place and I finally reached Mendley's.

It was late, but not too much, maybe a bit past midnight or so. The party was still going in the Grill when we left. Dylan and his friends had insisted in us staying, but we all got things tomorrow and needed our little rest. I had work and I knew for sure Macy had some family dinner or something. Norah might be the most free but it wasn't like we would left her there. Not with how cozy her and the dark skinned girl were getting through the night. And especially not considering we needed her Jeep.

Ever since Macy had left the car Norah had calmed down a lot, after her fit of pouting of course. Now she was leaning against the passenger seat, half sleep, slurring none senses. I killed the engine when we reached her house. All the lights were out, as well as most of the street, so her parents must be already sleep.

"Nors." she barely groaned and I reached across the cabin to shake her shoulder. "Hey, sleepy head. We're here."

"Where's here?" she wondered rubbing her eyes, struggling to focus on what was beyond the window.

"Your place."

"Mh, I, oh." her eyes widened with sudden clarity before going back to the sleepy slumber and gave an apologetical smile. "Oops?"

I frowned. "Oops? What do you mean 'oops'?"

"I may or may not had forgotten my keys?"

"What? How could you be so sure? You got the car keys, don't you? Maybe the house's are on your purse-"

"Nah, that's the thing." she slouched further in the seat, her eyeslids dropping slightly. "It took my mother's copy. Mine are always attatched together and I left them... probably on the table."

"Well, then we'll ring and hopefully they'll here-"

"Nop. We can't."

I sighed, getting a bit more irritated now. " And why not?"

Her smile was half way between wolfish and shameful. "I may or may not had sneaked out?"

"What?" My eyes widened. "Norah!"

"Hey! I needed a break, remember?"

Great. Just great. I took in a deep breath. "And what do you want me to do now?"

"Please don't be mad," she snuggled closer to the seat, curling over herself and her eyes almost closed by now, exhausted and wasted. I didn't know which one more. "I just wanted to have a moment out that place. My parents are always fighting lately." she pouted and I couldn't but feel how the irritation vanished.

"I get it, Nors. I do. But still, what are we supposed to do now?"

"Call my idiotic brother and asked him to open us."

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