Bonus part || 1 Year Later

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Dedicated to VodkaBambi Thanks for all the lovely support so far <333

Dedicated to VodkaBambi Thanks for all the lovely support so far <333

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|| 1 Year Later ||

First thing I noticed when the alarm woke me up was the faint sounds of birds coming from the ajar window by my bed. Immediately after I became aware of the slight bouding of my pillow. No, not a pillow, Brett's chest.

I couldn't remember falling sleep, or getting in bed for what matters. All I remembered was stressing over the umpteenth book and then everything was blurry as I memorize more and more concepts. Glacing up to his sleeping face I marveled myself with how innocent and boyish he looked. When did he get here?

The pang of choking anxiety for losing time hadn't hit me yet and I was planning on stretching this peace as much as I could. Lately I'd barely had time to see him. With the exams and the end of the soccer league we're always busy. That's why we spend most of the nights together.

It was easier to go to the appartment he was renting with a couple more guys. It was barely fifteen minutes from USC campus and they had a full room each and their own bathroom. I, on the other hand, had a shared room in the residence building, which wasn't the most comfortable thing if I had someone coming over but this is where we were at the moment.

Carefully I detached from Brett into a sitting position and turned off the alarm, glancing over to the bed on the other end of the room and sighed when there was no sign of Layla. She never stayed when Brett did, but considering I didn't remember much of last night I wouldn't know...

Layla Berman had been my roommate for almost a year now and despites my initial reticence she turned out to be great. She was just like I wasn't. She liked parties, and boys and had a shrill personality that attracted attention immediately. That what at first I was worried we wouldn't get along but we fit quiet well. She'd made me open up a bit more and I managed to teach her a thing or two about organizing.

Considering how popular Brett'd gotten being in the team and his natural friendly manners, a friend like Layla came useful when mines were that far.

I looked back at Brett's sleepy form beside me and my chest melted. A sudden idea struck me and I got up to take my camera from the desk where I left it charging and returned to the bed. With extreme care I supported one knee on each side of his hips, trying not to touch him at all. At the light dip of the matress he stirred and turned falt on his back, but immediately regained the deep breathing.

He was adorable, with his body turned over and his arms uncontrolled around him. And that hair... tousled was an understatement. But somehow he still look amazing. It never fail to amaze me.

I held my breath and looked through the camera. Focus and when I was completely sure I pressed the button. What I didn't count on was that the snap of the photo would resonate so much in our silent bubble. I cursed inwardly when his muscles contracted and his eyes snapped open.

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