32|| Doors open, remember?

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Dedicated to DemiStyles20 and QueenWannabe67 for being the firsts to vote and comment last chapter <3

Dedicated to DemiStyles20 and QueenWannabe67 for being the firsts to vote and comment last chapter <3

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BRETT: I need to show you something REALLY important. Can you come over??

I had reread it provably over ten times now but it still amazed me and puzzled me. What could Brett may want to 'show' me that was that urgent it couldn't wait until tomorrow?

I hadn't heard the text arriving since I was too distracted with our little twirl competition with Connor. I won; as good as he was with the skateboard, there's a lot more options and mobility in roller shoes. But he took it well. A small purse in his brows was all I get as I laugh and 'brag' only to see if I could get a reaction from him. That until we reached our belongings and I saw this cryptic message.

Connor took a huge gulp of the bottle he brought with him and when he noticed my sudden confusion looked up with a frown. "What?"

"It's..." the words faded. What was I going to say? A weird text? I shook my head, dispersing the daze and slid my fingers across the screen. "It's just Brett."

ALYSON: What is it?

I rose my gaze just in time to see the look in the blonde's face. I furrowed my brows. "What now?" he shrugged one shoulder, as if saying 'I ain't said anything', but the slight twitch of his lip shown his amusement. I sat on the ruin's rock, unlacing my rollers. "You're acting oddly cheerful today. Has it something to do with you going back to Clayton tomorrow?"

It surprised me how fast the three day's supension he got had been. Jade hadn't bothered me ever again and I guess the lack of Noel made it all a lot more tolerable there. Now people that looked at me was mostly when Brett was there... which was always. He's made his job to walk me to class, pick me up and drop me home, and spend lunch with us... except today that he had an important practice.

He was determined to make it up for the past years and prove he meant what he said. That he liked me. And for it he took every chance to be sweet or caring making my heart melting my heart -even more.

Connor gave me a flat look as I put on my normal shoes. "Why would I be happy about that?"

"Oh, well, I... I don't know." I bit my lip. "I just thought- Never mind." With a sighed I stood, hanging the bag and skates over my shoulder as walked by him out the church's ruins. "So what is it then?"

"You're delusional." he deadpanned and I rolled my eyes. By now, I was beginning to know him enough to notice the tiny signs of his change of moods, and today he was happy. Whether he wanted to admit it or not.

My phone beeped.

BRETT: wouldn't be a surprise if I told you

                 can you come or not?

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