30|| Waiting

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The words lingered around, not even making sense

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The words lingered around, not even making sense.




Brett let out a breathy laugh. "There, I've said it." The look in his electric blue eyes so raw, tender and ravishing... and he didn't took them off mine, making it even harder to focus on this little fantasy I'd suddenly stepped into.

First he said he'd wanted me... Now liked me? Was I dreaming or something?

Like me! Nah he couldn't.

No. He didn't just said that. It made no sense...

Maybe I understood him wrong? He couldn't like me, right? I felt like I just entered some kind of alternative universe. Some universe where Brett was nervous and sweet and he likes me. Someone pinch me!

"Say something, please." it came out as a hesitant smile but even through it I could see how shaken he waiting for my response... any response to the bomb he just dropped.

But what was I supposed to say?!

"I..." words failed me. And how could they not when I wasn't even sure I was processing it all correctly?

The flash of insecurity and hurt that crossed his gaze before lowering it was like a pang to my chest. My already messed up chest. "I get it if you want me to leave you alone now. Especially after how I'd treat you."

Shivers burned everywhere when his hands absently slid; from my thighs around my hips and up my spine, creating goosebumps all the way, making it hard for me to focus on his words. His body was openly contradicting what his lips were pronouncing. What do you do when someone you've liked since you got memory told you to leave them but act as if you're his anchor? I certainly didn't know.

Brett took in a shaky breath as I still struggling to come out with a reaction. Anything! But my body felt limp, inwardly it was a whole different story.

"I wouldn't blame you if you shut me down again but... I've been feeling this for a while now and everyone was telling me to let it out so I... " his eyes met mine again and my heart somesaulted. "I thought it would be a good if- If..."

"Y-you like me?" I finally found my voice -kinda, not getting over my shock. It tasted weird in my tongue, the meaning in those words. Unbelievable. Not wanting to make a fool out of myself and assuming what I was assuming, I decided to make sure. "As a friend?"

His immediate scoff got my pulse rushing in my ears. "No, Alyson. Not as a friend. Not only at least."

Too much. I shook my head, afraid of believing him.

This couldn't be happening. There must be some kind of misunderstanding. This was one of those moment where I would kill to have a controler to put life on a pause, unable to process everything rushing in my mind.

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