36|| PART TWO || Always

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I followed Connor's lead through the dancing students and to the large table with food

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I followed Connor's lead through the dancing students and to the large table with food. My brows knitted together.

"So here is where you've been hiding so far? You didn't peg to me as someone who would wander around the food. More like the mysterious one in the corner. Maybe causing trouble with someone or- Oh my God!" I gasped as he took out a silver hip flask form his jacket and dipped the content on the punch. "What are you doing?" I hissed as he hushed me.

"Watch if some teacher is heading this way."

I glanced around, sure I wasn't being as subtle as required but with the drumming in my chest I could barely think. "You're spiking the punch?" he eyes me pointedly and I could almost read his mind 'Does it look like I'm doing something else?' "That- that's forbidden."

"Then made sure they aren't looking."

"Unbelievable..." I shook my head but did as he said, not feeling save until he save that silver ittem and filled a plastic glass with the punch content before handing it to me. "Are you kidding?"

He rolled his eyes but held it out 'til I gingerly took it. "Come." and moved to the furthest bench on the coner, where we had a perfect view from the gym but we weren't anywhere near the spotlight. "You never drink." he suddenly pointed out when I took the seat beside him, settling the cup in the spot beside us.

I glance up surprised, he wasn't someone to purposely pricked into something. Most of the time it look like nothing matter to him, actually, so him actually asking -well, kinda- something was shocking to say at least.

"Um, yeah..." I tucked a strand of hair behind my ears and turned to absently glance the dance floor. "My parents-" I started but a ball of emotion force me to clear my throat and began again. "My parents were mower out the road by a drunk driver, you know?" I confessed lowly. "It kinda freaks me out to think I might loose senses or be too slow and caused something I won't be able to control."

He nodded, understanding. "A sip won't kill anyone." he pointed out nonchalantly. "And you're not driving tonight."

"You are."

He gave me a plain look. "I'm not drinking."

"Then why spike the punch?" I asked boldly, curious indeed. If he didn't have any intention of taking it why wasting time and money -and my nerves- in it?

I swear I could see the corner of his lip twisting. "Because it's so much fun seeing others get drunk." he glanced around and his eyes sparled when he spotted something. "Look," I followed what he pointed with hsi chin. "Somerson."

Confused I followed his direction and saw James Somerson tipsily struggling to dance straight leaning on poor Tania Lopez. I tilted my head, slightly amused at his clumpsiness. "You think he's already drunk?"

"Since the moment he stepped in." he nodded. "He tried to kiss Mr Flou when giving the tickets."

"He didn't." I covered my giggled with one hand and turned to look back at Somerson, noticing then that his friend were as well not in their best. "Oh my God look at them."

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