13|| I'm motherfucking especial!

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|| Three and Half Years Ago ||

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|| Three and Half Years Ago ||

I made sure my lips are forming a warm smile before I opened the door.

"Hello!" I greeted our guest stepping aside. "Please, come in."

Mrs and Mr Ryder, who grinned widely at me and I avoided acknowledging his son's form behind them.

"Hello, darling. How are you?" Julia kissed my cheeks. "How is it that you getting beautier each time I see you?"

A blush creeped up my neck.

"Please, Mrs Ryder. You're way too kind."

"Just Julia, darling."

"Yeah," Logan Ryder, kissed me as well and they entered heading towards the kitchen. I didn't dare to look at Brett but I could feel the burning from his eyes on me as I closed the door and swiftly followed his parents. "My wife is right," Mr Ryder's telling my mum who was closing the oven. "Shame to say but you'll soon be overshaded, Tania."

"Soon?" she laughed. "She's already far prettier than I am. Just the other day my co-worker's son brought her flowers, red to match with the cast. You know, to make her feel better. He was so sweet-"

"Mum."I grimaced and they all laughed. Everyone but one person whose gaze I still refusing to meet. My anxiety grew as I thought in all the ways he would embarrassed me later for this.

"She still shy as always, as you can see."

I played with the hem of my dress.

My mother had forced me to wear this soft pink dress, sleeveless and cut above my knees. It hugged my waist and even thought it's not a cloth I'm confortable with, my parents thought it look great on me. Guess if we had rich guests I couldn't show up with my jeans. Yeah, the red cast matched perfectly this pale pink.

That was irony, by the way.

Now with everyone's gaze on me I felt exposed as ever and shifted unconfourtable. Luckly my mother changed the focus.

"Brett, honey. How about you? You're getting really tall, aren't you?"

From the corner of my eye I saw him shrugging.

"I guess."

"We heard you've became titular in the school's team." my father patted his shoulder stepping inside the kitchen to lean in the counter next where my mother was. "Really impressive."

They keep a smooth talk, involving me to polite answers and soon enough the dinner was ready and we moved to the small salon we owned and that we've spent the last hours making it look majestuous. The Ryder's were such a nice couple. I really would had enjoyed they stayed here as always if it wasn't for the current situation I had going on with his son.

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