21|| Why keep up with this shit?

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"Are you really not gonna talk to her?" Macy pursed her lips, divided in whether to remain there as I pick my stuff from my locker or go where Norah'd disappeared rounding the corner through the crowd

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"Are you really not gonna talk to her?" Macy pursed her lips, divided in whether to remain there as I pick my stuff from my locker or go where Norah'd disappeared rounding the corner through the crowd.

"She betrayed me, Macy. She settle me up with him when you know how uncomfortable it is after everything and now he won't take the hint to let it go."

Ever since the week started and Brett picked me up because of Norah he'd been all over the place, being my ride no matter what I have to say about it and even coming our table to lunch. Hunter tagged along as well and I had to say that was the only good thing out of this mess. I was mad at Norah for forcing my hand, mad at Brett for... well for everything. And if it wasn't for Hunter and Macy constantly breaking the tension someone would had ended up murdered by now.

I couldn't wait 'til I recovered fully so I could take the bike even if Norah keep playing dumb at picking me up. That way I'd only had to endure Brett on lunch and economy.

He hadn't brought up what happen Monday and neither had I. Nor he'd taken my hand again and despites the butterflies in my stomach at the thought I couldn't had been more greatful. I needed time to process evrything. I couldn't with him blowing my nerves every now and then.

In his defense, he was kinda... sweet during those rides. Making small talk but not pressuring it too much. Most of the times we ended up in silence... but a good silence and that was bad. If I couldn't decided whether I wanted to forgive him or not, having nice moments was definitely a big distraction. I needed to make up my mind already. Pronto.

"I just don't like it that you're not talking anymore." mubled Macy bringing me back from my thoughts. "I know Norah's having a hard time."

The knot in my throat tightened as I swallowed. "Then maybe she shouldn't had done it."

"Oh, come on. Brett's trying for you to forgive him. And Norah was just trying to help. She knew he wouldn't harm you nor anything."

"I know she had good intentions, but I was doing things my way. At my pace. I didn't needed to be thrown into the lions because she thought it was the best. She should had let me have it my way. At least in this one."

Macy bit her lip, taking her books from her locker as well. It was obvious she wasn't okay with our current situation but I felt like I need to stand my ground. I'd been already on the edge about coming back and all, Norah should had supported me step by step, not forcing me to jump into a maraton first thing.

Macy shook her head, dropping it and we moved to the canteen. I still not feeling totally comfortable there, especially the first day back when a lot of eyes were curiously on me, but now that Jade was gone and my friends urged me to began acting normal again I kinda forced myself to. But crossing those doors it always felt like a panic moment for me.

"I'm not really hungry..." I stressed, not actually lying but Macy sighed.

"Come on."

I followed the dark skinned girl gingerly towards the line, bitting my lip and wondering what would I get. The options weren't that large when you're vegetarian, unless you want a salad or some smelly vegetables you were pretty much screwed. Apparently I'd been staring for too long and didn't noticed the girl before us was done 'til Macy tugged my arm forward, smirking at the lady and ordering french fries for me. Well, that's something I'll definitely could eat.

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