Thank you

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I'm so greatful to have been able to write this story. It's been just as excitig as my first one!! I'm so greatful to all of those that make it possible for me to do so. But especially I have to thank all you readers that were there, reading and giving all this amazing feedback that make the story grow and the whole writting task way more alluring. It wouldn't had been the same without the amazing support you guys provided me with and I'm endlessly in debt with you.

During this past year where the story had been constantly updating, there had been a lot of you who decided it was worth to give it a try, and I love you for it. But I especially would like to thank the ones that were constantly there, voting, commenting and spreading love to my work restlessly.

You've made my days with your amazing comments and votes. I know I haven't dedicated a chapter to ALL this amazing beautiful people,  but I hope you all know how amazing your support had been.




I'm currently working on other stories that you can find in my profile:

                               Just Kissing

                               Just Kissing

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Nate Herond. He's the guy everyone adores. Quarterback of the football team, a joker that ain't miss a chance to fool around, a trutly hearttrob every girl fall for, a friend to everyone... Then why Hailey Grace can't stand him?

No one knows.

But when she's forced to spend time with him things begin to change. Hailey's trying to overcome a heartbreak; Nate, something darker. Turning from dislike to friendship, they end up making a simple deal that would change everything.

No commitment.
No more heartaches.
Just kissing.

Will it really be that simple?

                               Once Upon A Bet

                               Once Upon A Bet

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A bet. A tape. A betrayal.

Two years ago everything crumbled in Nova Jensen perfect world after trusting her heart to the wrong person only to find out everything was false. All her 'friends', her family... she left it all behind and moved to England with her aunt to end her studies there, away from all the drama.

Now she's graduate and has to return her hometown for the summer before college, but is she ready to face the place that broke her? The people that betray her?

Is she ready to face Jake Tucker?

                              Drag Me Down (Completed)

Arielle Steelver has   come back to her father's house after almost   three years away and she   thought that she could take her old life back   just that easy: her   friends, her high school, the cheer team

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Arielle Steelver has come back to her father's house after almost three years away and she thought that she could take her old life back just that easy: her friends, her high school, the cheer team... and had an awesome senior year.

What she wasn't expecting was that everything isn't just as it was when she left.

Hayden Walker is every girl daydream and every teacher's nightmare. He came after she moved. Now he owns the high school and he's so not gonna make things easy for Arielle.

Things when wrong on the first meeting and since then life will always find a way to bring the together in a never-ending path of pranks, parties and an open war on the highways. Will they learn to understand each other or will their hate blind them?


Make sure to check them on my profile if you're interested and don't hesitate to comment, vote and share. I would really appreciate your support!

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Once more, THANK YOU ALL. For reading so far, for being there... for EVERYTHING.

You made this little dream of mine happen.

You made MY NIGHTMARE CRUSH happen.



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