27|| Playing it down

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"Stupid supid stupid-" I hissed to myself

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"Stupid supid stupid-" I hissed to myself. I lifted my fist, hesitate, and finally reached out and knocking the door. A couple soft taps that made me wonder if he could heard them through the thick wood and the loud music that boomed through the hallway. I guessed he didn't since for the next minute when I hold my breath nothing happen. That or he was ignoring me. "Shit."

I hadn't seen him since the teacher brought both guys to the principal's and ordered for Noel and me to be taken to the nursery. Anxiety had filled my chest ever since I snapped out my shocked state but by then neither Brett nor Connor were there for me to properly thank their help.

I couldn't get the scene out my head.

Brett had stepped in for me.

He was ready to screw his spot on the main team for me.

But Connor appeared out of the blue saving him and helping me as well.

It all was unexpected and overwhelming.

Noel and Connor'd been suspended for three days for fighting while Brett got out of it with a slap on the wrist, but I hadn't seen any of them ever since they parted us this afternoon. And I felt... weird.

I felt awful they get punished on my behalf but also grateful towards them. I tried calling but none took their phone so I stick to Norah after our last period and here I was, trying to get to Connor in hopes he'll forgive me. Brett's silence also got me on my nerves but I needed to take care of it one at time.

Norah stepped out her room on the other side of the hallway, mouthing me 'Good luck' with a thumbs up before sprinting down the stairs to her Japanese course -to which she was already late. I heard the thud of the front door seconds later. Now there was just me and Connor.

Swallowing the hard lumb in my throat I knocked again, more determined and earned me a harsh: "Go away."

Nerves ate my stomach from inside. He really didn't want to be bothered. He must hate me now. I only brought him burdens. Maybe I should wait...

No. The guy did you a huge favor. Now, you're gonna woman up and thank him like the mature girl you are.

Dragging in another shaky breath I knocked again, harder this time. My stomach clenched at the curse and steps I heard form inside. A second later the door bursted open harshly and he barked: "What?" his annoyed scowl deepening in surprised when he took in my presence.

I stood there, wide eyed like a deer caught by the lights and with my pulse raging. To my dismay, everything I had prepared to say vanished from my mind and left me tongue-tied at his cold receiving. I blushed under his intense stare, waiting for me to explain as a strong thrill of insecurity shook through me.

Yeah, this was a bad idea... He clearly didn't want company. I should-

But gaze fell an in the moment I spotted on his scratched knuckles everything softened in me. He punched Noel. He deffended me. And got suspended because of it. The hesitation disappeared in gratitude and warmth. Before knowing what I was doing I'd stepped forward, my arms had snaked around his chest and I was snuggling closer.

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