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Going to the library was like willingly entering a mortal trap

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Going to the library was like willingly entering a mortal trap. I couldn't believe I was going to head there to meet with Brett of all the people. Especially considering I first began hiding there from him and his crew. The thought of being in my 'safe place' with my bully alone made me sweat cold and felt my mouth dried. 

It's alright, Alyson. Just think abut him lately, he'd been calmer right? Ever since he came back form his boarding trimester he'd still yet to openly confront me... And the whole pill thing is still too confusing to understand. Maybe that was a Jade's stunt only?

Anyway, doubt he would pull something on me now on a public place like the library... would he? Based on my own experience everything was screaming a big fat 'YES!' But again, it's not like I could avoid it if I wanted to improve my terrible mark that would for sure lowered my Economy's standarts. 

Sighing I made my way there as soon as the final bell rang and everyone made their path to freedom... but not me. I was stuck with cocky soccer player. Aka my bully. Just great.

Of course, me being me, too caught up in my own thoughts I had to go and bump into someone just as I turned the last corner before the library. I gasped loudly, loosing my balance and forcefully shut my eyes waiting for the painful floor, but instead two hand caught my shoulders rather a harshly but firmly, preventing me to. 

Wait what? 

Hesitantly, I opened my eyes and met the dark orbs of Connor. My lips parted, but words failed making me blush hard at his ever persistent hate-passive look. I felt even worst when I caught the giggles of some girls beside us, mumbling something on the line 'what and inept'. Do I alway had to made a fool of myself?

Lowering my gaze in shame I stepped away from Norah's mysterious brother, regaining my balance. "I'm sorry. I wasn't looking and you came out of the blue and-"

Unbother of what I was murmuring, he pushed past me and down the hallway. I mean, did he even talk? If it wasn't for the few times I saw him said something to Norah I would seriously doubt that. I noticed a book in his hand and frowned at the thought of Connor reading or studing. For all I know he was an antisocial hoodlum that hides behind the bleachers to smoke and paint obscenities on the walls instead of actually doing productive stuff. Norah was always complaining on how would she wish he would focus on school for once. 

I never know what he had against people... or humanity, if you ask me. Connor couldn't stand anyone, nor even trying to hide how dull and exhausting our presence was for him. The few times I'd tried to talk to him -including the flop of that tour on their first day- I'd always been met with annoyance, boredom or plain and hurtful indifference. 

At least I know that with him it wasn't that he particularly hated me. Connor hated everyone. And my awkwardness only made him dread me more but I couldn't help it. Whenever I met and the awkward silence fell one us I did what I always on those cases: I ramble. 

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