26|| I didn't mean to

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"I'm pretty sure you've never shared food before

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"I'm pretty sure you've never shared food before. You make it a rule... at least to me." I commented when we exited the canteen. Norah had some meeting with the drama club so she told us to go. That after a whole lunch time getting all lovey-dovey with Macy here. Even if the dark-skinned girl keep trying to make it sound casual.

"So? If we both wanted the same what's the big deal?" Macy blushed, fiddling with her hair as I felt a smile stretching in my lips. Her eyes narrowed at it but I could tell she was fighting back her own grin. "What?"

"Nothing." I giggled as we dodged some group of students on our way towards the lockers. "You girls are just so cute."

"Ugh-" she pushed me lightly, getting redder. "Don't say that."

"No no, I mean it. It has been kinda frustrating but I can't be more glad that you're finally together."

"Alyson!" she complained tightening the hold on her folder and glancing around the hallway as if worried someone would hear but the way she pursed her lips were a clear indication Macy was holding back a smile as well. "We kissed, true. And had a... whatever. But that's it. Don't say we're together."

"And why not?"

"It's... It's all too recent." she whined, tucking a loop behind her ear. "The other night... it all felt right but who knows if today she'll finally got over her hangover and realized the mistake she made?"

"Yeah, because it totally looked like it back there." I rolled my eyes, unable to wrap my head around the idea of Macy being this unsure.

She'd always been the one to help me out my insecurities, who would had thought she herself was this full of those. And with Norah! -who was head over heels for her. This morning I got a call from her to face her own doubts and to decide the proper outfit.

"You're being ridiculous." I shook my head wich only earned me a narrowed gaze from her.

"Oh, am I? So do tell, what's in your mind, uh?"

My brows knitted together. "What do you mean?"

"Well, the dark circles under your eyes are like a neon sign. Yesterday you were completely out of reach and let's not forget you've finally taken your bike again."

My body tensed but I shrugged it out as well as I could. "I'm already healed." It didn't work.

"So were you last week and it didn't prevent Brett from being your lift. So how come he didn't pick you today as well?" even his mention made that already familiar pang clenched my chest... so imagine the helpless ache that washed over me when his voice halted us from behind.

"Well, it's not like I had a say in it."

Hell. I'd been successful in avoiding him but I guess my luck only worked so far.

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