Chapter 2

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Before I start this chapter I just wanted to say thank you, You guys are the best for reading all my books & always supporting me. And Ana has 1,000+ reads!!!! I saw that this morning and just got so happy. I wasn't sure if I wanted to start writing but I started with 1 book then after your constant support I now have 3! and probably more to come.

I love you all so much & you can message or tweet me anytime. I would love to get to know some of you! xxxx


I woke up to the sound of a glass bottle hitting the wall & shattering.

My mom was drunk again & going on one of her rages. I sighed & waited for her to calm down. I didn't want to go out there, I hate seeing my mom like this.

A normal family would be sleeping at this time. A normal teenage girl like me would be out having her daddy buy her a car, not sitting here trying to find new ways to lose weight & having a mom get drunk every night.

I think my mom should get help, I really do. But I can't be the one to tell her, she'll probably flip out. No one wants their problems pointed out to them, but then again, who else will tell her?

I'm an only child and my dad only pops by sometimes but it just turns into an argument and he leaves her in tears. He would always push me and her around, I hate seeing her like this, I should hate my dad for this, but I don't. I can't hate someone who I also love, It doesn't make sense.

My mom walked through my door & had a knife in her hand & a bruise on her face.

"Mom??? What happened!" I yelled coming over to her.

"I... I went out to look for the dog because he ran out... & your dad was there. He yelled at me telling me he wants... custody of you... He hit me and I ran inside to grab a knife for my defense, but he left."

I was shocked & furious. "How dare he hit you then want custody of me? Fuck him!" I yelled.

My mom would usually yell at me for cussing, but there was bigger problems here.

"I won't let him take you away Abyss, I won't. I can't lose you, you're the only person I have left." She cried into me.

I couldn't help but cry with her. I saw the bruise on her face from my dad, I felt so much hate towards him I never felt before. I thought I couldn't hate him but I felt it now. & I was perfectly fine with it.

"'Mom please calm down. Just go to sleep and we'll think about all this in the morning. I don't have school tomorrow, it's spring break." I said.

She nodded & kissed me goodnight & went to bed.

I couldn't go back to sleep now, it was already 4:30 in the morning, and my thoughts wouldn't be quiet enough to let me sleep. I couldn't believe what happened. I couldn't believe my dad.

I can't live with him, he'll abuse me & hate me & will never care for me as much as my mom ever could.

A tear fell down my face, this can't be happening.

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