Chapter 5

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I felt like my heart was in my throat. Was I the one making her depressed? Did I cause her to start drinking? She was forced to sit there and watch her daughter waste away, & she couldn't do anything about it, so she turned to alcohol so she could be blind to the problems.

"I'm so fucking selfish!" I yelled at myself as I threw the papers & slammed the door. Now my moms in rehab because of me. I'll probably never see her again, it's like someone ripped my heart out. I held back my tears as I went out the house to my dad. I wasn't going to let him see me cry.

I'm not going to let him feel that glory of making my life miserable. I have to act strong, he can't see how weak I really am.

I opened up his car door & threw my bags in & sat in the backseat. I couldn't handle being this close to him let alone being right next to him as if I would sit in the front.

"Don't want to sit with me?" He asked laughing.

I didn't answer, I just put my headphones in & listened to Pierce The Veil.

If I were you

I'd put that away

See you're just wasted, & thinking bout the past again.

Darlin, you'll be okay.

A felt a tear try to escape my eye but I wiped it away. I missed my mom, I really did. I felt like my heart was missing. She was all alone, & the thought of that made my heart break.

My dads house was half an hour away, we lived in basically the middle class side of town. My mom had a job but it didn't pay a lot, but it paid enough. We could afford a simple little house & we had an in ground pool in the back which I thought was great. If only I actually wanted to wear a bikini.

My dad on the other hand lived on the rich side of town. They were huge houses, almost like mansions. Why would my dad have such a big house if he was living with himself?

Then it hit me.

Oh my god, what if he has a whole other family? Or a girlfriend?

I didn't know which made me more mad, the fact he could have another family and kids to replace me or another girlfriend to replace my mom.

I know I'm nobody & you can replace me with a damn piece of dirt, but not my mom.

"Abyss, get out of the car." My dad said starring at me. We've been parked for a long time but I didn't notice. I get lost in my thoughts a lot, it's a habit.

I grabbed my bags & followed my dad into his mansion. I saw there was 3 other cars in his drive way, they couldn't all be his.

We walked through the door & I couldn't believe my eyes. This was the biggest house I've ever seen. The stairs seemed to go on forever, & there were room after room all down the hallways.

"Wow." I whispered.

"Yeah. a lot better than that dump you lived in." My dad said.

"I was perfectly fine with that house. Until you ripped me out of it." I said coldly.

He sighed. "Us getting along is gonna take awhile."

I nodded in agreement, I didn't think we would ever actually get along. I don't even think I can call him my dad anymore. What dad would ruin his daughters life?

"I'll show you to your room. You'll be staying right beside my room."

"okay." I said quietly.

"Actually you seem pretty interested, you can go check out the rest of the house," My dad said, "I'll put your bags upstairs, there going to be in the room straight up the stairs & the second door on the right."

I walked away from him & went down the hall. I found myself in his huge kitchen. I sighed, the bigger the kitchen, the more food.

I started going through the cabinets looking for some food to eat. I haven't ate in 2 days, my stomach pains were killing me. & a little food couldn't hurt.

I finally found food but it was all junk. Chips, cookies, donuts, & more. Looking at it made me sick, all I saw were calories. But that's the only food he really had here that I've found so far so I grabbed a bag of Doritos & opened them slowly.

The smell of nacho cheese hit my nose and made my stomach growl. I slowly reached for one when I saw a figure appear in the doorway.

I looked up to see a very tall and very very skinny girl standing there. Looked a little younger than my dad but so gorgeous. and by gorgeous I mean boney, she had to weigh less than me, and she was older than me. She had to be a model, or some time of model, she was perfect. It Must be his girlfriend.

"Uh. hi." I said.

"You're going to eat that? That's disgusting. You can't live here if you're going to be a fat cow." She spat at me.

Well her personality killed her perfect body.

"I can't live here? I'm his daughter. Who the fuck are you?" I said in defense.

"I'm your dads girlfriend."

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