Chapter 7

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After chemistry I has government. I was sad to see that the boy from chemistry wasn't in my class. I didn't understand anything in government either, I sat with a group of girls in the back & starred at the window. The girls seemed nice and they're all very pretty, and skinny. I felt like a fat whale next to them, I'm surprised I didn't break the chair when I sat down.

They complimented my outfit but I'm sure they're just lying because they feel bad for me because of how fat I am.

I couldn't blame them though, I would feel bad for me too.

After government I had lunch. I walked into the cafeteria and searched for an empty table to sit at. I was making my way over when someone grabbed me.

I turned to see it was the boy from my chemistry class.

"Hey." He said, "Wanna sit with me?"

I smiled, "sure."

"It would be easier if you had a name." He said laughing.

"I'm Abyss, what's yours?" I asked.

"Wow that's a unique name, I like that. I'm Mason."

I made my way over to his table & saw it was a bunch of guys with about 4 girls, the girls looked pretty slutty, but I'm sure that's because they all slept with everyone at the table. They were skinnier than me of course, so I envied their bodies.

I sat down beside Mason & beside some other boy I didn't know.

"Who's this?" I heard a snobby voice ask.

"This is Abyss." Mason said.

"That's a weird name." She said & laughed.

"I like it." I heard another girl say.

Well I guess half this table was bitches & the other half was normal. Guess I'll try to sit on the normal side.

Mason was telling me he was a big football star. He sat with the rest of the football team I'm guessing and I assumed these 4 girls were the slutty cheerleaders.

I sat there while everyone else ate their lunches. My stomach kept growling & I was hoping nobody could hear it.

"Why aren't you eating?" Someone asked me.

"Just forgot my lunch money." I lied.

"You want some of my food?" Mason asked pushing it towards me.

"Oh no that's okay." I smiled & lied again pushing it back to him.

He gave me a weird look & began eating again.

The rest of the day passed by fast. I didn't pay attention in any classes & sadly I only had one class with Mason. At least it was the first class so I guess he would brighten my morning.

My dad picked me up at 3:30 and I got in the car. I had to sit in the back because bitch was up front.

"Did you feel that?" She asked laughing.

"Feel what?" My dad asked.

"The car move when the cow got in?" She said laughing.

My dad didn't respond. I heard him laugh a little. Which made me want to die.

My eyes began to water & I felt like I was about to break down & cry. Why did this girl hate me? What did I do to her?

She probably hates me because I'm fat.

That's all I am.

I can't blame her for hating me, I hate me too.

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