Chapter 22

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"Dad... What.. How did you get Masons phone.." I said in such confusion.

How did this happen?

"Do you think I'm dumb? Do you think I'd not know where you'd run to?"

I was silent. This was my fault. I put Mason out there, & he might even be in Danger because of me.

"This is all your fault." My dad said whispering.

"Where's Mason" I said flatly.

"Oh you're little friend will be fine I'm sure. You on the other hand will not."

"Where are you." I said.

"Right outside the front door. So be a doll and unlock it for me?" My dad said laughing.

I panicked as he hung up the phone.

This couldn't be happening. My dad was acting like some physco killer. He couldn't hurt Mason, he could hurt me all he wants but god damn not Mason. That boy is my everything.

Well he might be, he could be.. Maybe.

I slowly walked over to the front door & looked through the window.

I then saw my dad standing there holding a gun against the window facing me.

I hurried up & got down as he fired 4 times into the house shattering the glass and the pictures on the wall.

I ran away into the kitchen where I could hide to get away from the bullets. I knew the neighbors would wake up & call the police but how long until they got here?

To my horror, I heard the front door open & 2 sets of footsteps coming my way.

"You listen to me, Mason. You bring her to me alive and you stay alive. If you don't find her, I'll kill you."

I didn't hear Masons response but I'm sure he nodded. What else could he do, it's my life or his, & his was a lot more damn valuable than mine.

I heard footsteps go upstairs while the other one stayed downstairs.

"Abyss? I know you're here." Masons voice whispered, "I'm not telling him where you are I just can't, I'd rather die than knowing it was my fault you're dead. I can't do it Abyss, I just can't."

I heard him start to cry as I got out from the closet I hid in and went over to him. We cried together for what seemed like eternity.

I hugged him & he hugged me back trying to calm me down but I couldn't calm down. My life was a disaster and I brought Mason right into it. I deserve to die, not Mason.

All I'll ever be is a fat, worthless, bitch. Mason has a perfect life ahead of him, & I shouldn't be the one to ruin it.

All of the sudden I heard a gun shot coming from the end of the hall. I screamed & saw my dad standing there with the gun pointed at us.

I looked down to see Masons body had fallen to the floor.


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