Chapter 9

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My dad grabbed my arm & threw me against the wall.

"What the hell?" I yelled, "What are you doing!"

"This is all your fault!" He yelled as he hit me in the face leaving a bruise. "Your mom got depressed & started drinking over you! Now she's in rehab & I have to support you! I'm not buying you anything fat bitch. Fuck you!"

He grabbed me by my hair & I yelled in pain. He threw me down & I hit the ground hard spraining my wrist. I felt tears run down my face.

"Are you done?" I heard Martha asked as she walked down. She looked at me and saw what my dad did and smiled. She SMILED. she didn't even help me.

My dad looked at me in complete disgust. "Yeah. I'm done." He finally said & followed her back upstairs.

I laid there in shock of what just happened. My dad hasn't hit me in such a long time. Now he completely wails on me like I'm some sort of punching bag. I sat there for what seemed like forever and cried.

I missed my mom.

I missed my old life.

I missed everything.

I cried as I tried to pull myself up. The pain was extraordinary but I made it up. The next challenge was the stairs. I took a deep breath & made my way to the first stair when I heard a knock on the door.

I turned back around & looked out the window.

It was mason. What was he doing here?

I looked in the little mirror beside the door. I looks horrible, red eyes, big bruise, if I didn't miss him so much I probably would've just walked away. But I opened the door slightly anyway.

"Hello?" I said not showing my face.

"Abyss?" He asked, "Abyss is that you?"

"Yeah, What is it? I'm busy." I said still not showing my face.

"Well uh me & my friends were going to a party tomorrow night, do you wanna come?" He asked.

"I have to see what I'm doing." I said.

I wanted to go, I really did. But I hated going out in public. plus my dad would never let me go.

"Why are you hiding behind the door?" He asked pushing it away so he could see me.

His eyes grew wide and his mouth fell open.

"What happened?!?" He yelled.

I quickly thought of a lie. "I fell earlier down the stairs, I really have to go get ice to put on it. I'll see you in school." I said shutting the door before he could even answer.

I hated lying to mason, but I couldn't tell him the truth.

This part of life I will hide from everyone, even mason.

No one should know,

my secret life.

of pain.

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