Chapter 18

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The day passed by quicker than I expected. I quickly got up to race to the front of the school to meet Mason.

I didn't know why I was so excited, what I say to him, & what I share about my life to him could make or break us. He could think I'm a complete freak & never talk to me again, or he can act like he understands my life & try to help.

Both were equally terrifying.

I approached Mason who was sitting on the bench outside the school on his phone, I wonder who he was texting...

I quickly shook my head, I can't get jealous already. I barely even knew him, & he's about to know my life probably more than I even do.

"Hello." I said quietly.

"Hi Abyss." He said smiling, "Wanna talk? We can drive around or something."

I nodded. It was nice he drove, I definitely didn't feel like walking all the way to my house.

We walked down to the parking lot to his car. He had a nice car, it was red, I didn't know the make of it, I don't know car names. I'm sure his parents bought it for him, cause that's what normal teenagers get.

It depressed me he had everything I'll never have.

I opened the door & sat in the passenger seat & threw my bag in the back seat.

"So," He said as he got in, "Let's start with this I guess, why did you move here?"

I sighed. "Because my dad decided to ruin my life and say my mom is unfit to take care of me. Just because she drinks doesn't mean she can't take care of me. We were doing just fine. Then he came in & ruined my life."

He nodded as he started the car, "& how is your dad? towards you?"

"He abuses me. Him & his girlfriend both beat me around. But his girlfriend left him this morning. So I don't know what's going to happen."

He reached over and rubbed my leg. I didn't notice I was crying.

"Where is your mom?" He asked.

"she was sent to a rehab, & she killed herself." I held back the tears as I said that but I couldn't.

I cried & cried over my mom as Mason tried to comfort me as much as he could.

"You don't need to say anymore Abyss. I know this isn't any of my business." He said.

I didn't regret telling Mason anything. He didn't look like the type to spread rumors like a 12 year old. He looked like he was trying to understand why my dad did that & it almost seemed like he cared about me.

"I'll drive you home." Mason said.

I nodded. "It's actually right around the corner."

He drove down the road and turned left up my dads drive way.

"Wow, this is a huge house." He said astonished.

"Yeah. Big house filled with misery." I said to him.

He sighed, "I added my number into your phone, if anything is wrong call me & I'll be over in 3 seconds. I promise."

I couldn't help but smile, he really did care about me. It was a great feeling.

"Bye Mason." I said as I shut the door. He waved & pulled out of the drive way.

I turned to walk up the stairs when I saw my dad standing in the doorway. "Who was that?" He asked.

"My friend." I said trying to walk by him but he blocked me.

"Why didn't you call?" My dad asked.

"Don't act like you give 3 fucks hwre I am or what I'm doing. You're not a father." I said pushing past him & making my way upstairs.

He didn't run after me. he just stood in the doorway & shut the front door & walked to the kitchen. I was surprised he didn't punch me or kick me. I made it to the top of the stairs & walked by his room, I noticed Martha's said of the room was empty.

She was really gone.

My dad was broken.

& i didn't feel anything but happiness.

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