Chapter 6

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I knew it. I knew this heartless bastard would replace us like were nobodies.

I threw the chips back in the cabinet & stormed past her.

"Can't be fat here piggy!" She yelled at me as I ran up the stairs tears falling.

I found door to my room & slammed it shut.

I fell to the floor.

I hate this house. I hate my dad. I hate my life. I want my mom back. I want my old life back.

I got up threw my suitcase against the wall. My clothes & other belongings went everywhere. I searched around until I found it, my glasses case.

I reached in & grabbed one of my blades & cut my wrist. I cut all the way from my hand to my upper arm. I made long straight lines & short ones. Almost like I was painting a picture. But instead of a brush I used a razor.

I was kind of glad the bitch came and made me stop eating. It saved me from purging. & I knew I shouldn't of ate anyway. I'll probably never eat in this house with her around & that's completely okay.

I need to get skinny.

& I'll do whatever it takes.


My dad woke me up the next morning like my mom used to do.

"Abyss, it's time for school. Wake up and get dressed. I have breakfast downstairs for you. Hurry you have to go at 8:15 & it's 7:30 now." he said and walked out.

At least he didn't kiss me good morning. I think I would die.

It sucked because since my dad was on the other side of town he had a different spring date as me. His started a week earlier so yesterday must've been the last day when yesterday was my first. That was the worst spring break I ever had.

I got up and went through my suitcase. All I have been buying was high waisted shorts and skirts & crop tops. I don't know why I dressed like I was skinny, guess it was a habit. a BAD habit.

I reached down for my black high waisted skirts & white crop top and slipped on my converse. I waited until 8:10 to walk downstairs so I wouldn't have to see his bitch girlfriend & I wouldn't have to eat. My dad called for me several times but I told him I was getting ready. I took my time putting on my make up and straightening my hair. I was almost late at being late.

I walked downstairs & grabbed my school stuff, I took out all my papers from my old school since I'll never go there again and threw them away. I got new notebooks and an empty binder & stuffed it all into my bag and followed my dad outside to his car.

"Why didn't you eat breakfast? I made your favorite, chocolate chip waffles for you." he asked, I heard a slight disappointment in his voice.

"I was busy unpacking. and I'm never hungry in the mornings." I said.


The rest of the ride to school was silent. I was too distracted to talk anyway. I'm going to a new school and I don't know anybody. I was so nervous. & my anxiety wasn't helping.

My dad gave me my schedule & I got out of the car. I had chemistry first. ugh.

I walked inside the school and everyone was starring. I know I did come in the middle of the year, so I guess I would get some weird looks.

I found chemistry and told the teacher I was new & he sat me down beside a girl who wore too much make up & a very cute boy. But he wouldn't like someone as fat as me.

I tried to pay attention but I didn't understand anything. They were in the middle of a lesion and I had no idea what this was.

He told us to pick a partner & go back to the back of the room to use the microscopes.


I searched around & saw everyone had a partner & was already begun.

"Would you like to be my partner?" I heard the boy next to me ask.

"Me?" I asked in shock. Wow he actually talked to me!

"Yes, why not?" He asked.

"Sure." I said trying not to sound too happy.

We walked back to the microscopes & sat down. We both went to look in the microscopes & hit our heads together.

We laughed together like we've been friends for years. I almost could even like him.

I could tell he might like me too.

This could be perfect.

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