Chapter 14

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I decided to not delete this & just to finish it. I didn't realize how much some of you actually liked this book. I know it's not as good as Ana, but I thought I'd try to write about some other things besides eating disorders.

I love you guys & thanks for changing my mind about deleting xx


I starred blanking at her while my heart was ripped out. How could this happen? How could she leave me like this? I thought she wanted to stay here for me. I was her little angel. & now she's far away & she's never coming back.

I started to cry more as I turned to my dad who I could see had a little tear in his eye, and Martha who well, just looked bored. Fucking bitch.

"Why didn't you call to tell us?" I said.

"I did miss, a female voice answered the phone & she said she didn't care, & then hung up."

I've never been so angry. I slowly turned around & starred at her. She gave me a slight smile and I completely lost control.

"You fucking bitch!" I yelled as I ran to her & tackled led her to the ground & punched her. I kept punching her & kicking her until her face was bloody.

"Abyss!" I heard my dad yell, "Stop!"

He yanked me off of her & threw me outside the building & to the car with bloody Martha trailing behind. I felt relieved all my anger towards that bitch was gone. But I know I'm going to have to face them both when I get home.

I got more worried as the closer we got to the house. No one spoke the whole way there.

we got into the drive way and My relief went away.

I felt scared but also empty. I missed my mom, so much. And I know she would never let this happen, I would be living with her again, If only she was here.

My dad yelled for me to get out of the car and to go inside. I quickly walked inside & tried to make it past my dad when we grabbed me by my hair and threw me down.

"You're out of fucking control." He began, "First you don't listen to me about covering up that damn bruise then you go crazy on my girlfriend?"

I could tell he was getting mad.

"Fuck you." I said quietly.

His eyes grew wide as he swung his arm back & punched me in the ribs. I screamed in pain but he didn't stop. He kept punching me in my stomach & in my face & in my arms until I couldn't move anymore. I couldn't feel anything anymore. I was numb.

He got up from punching me & just looked at me in disgust as he turned around & walked upstairs with Martha. She turned around & smiled to me, "I always win." She said.

I couldn't get up to punch her again. I had to lay there & wait for some of the pain to go away. I noticed my dad didn't even shut the front door, he was too busy wailing on me.

I laid there for what seemed like hours when I started to hear footsteps coming up the driveway and the stairs that lead to the door.

I tried to get up & get out of the way so no one could see me but I couldn't. Who ever was coming would see me & know what my dad has done to me, and he'll beat me even more.

"Abyss!!!" I heard a voice yell which I recognized right away,

it was mason.

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