Sou...soulmates? pt.2

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"Finally,I can eat!"Maddie and I made our way to the cafeteria.We made our way to a table after getting our food."So,where do you want to go after school?"Maddie said while she stuffed her face with food.I wasn't listening to her as I saw Ten with a tray of food,looking for a table to seat at."Y/N?Are you even listening to me?"Maddie said as she saw me looking behind her,she followed my gaze."oh,are you looking at the new kid?"She said raising an eyebrow and smirking at me.",I was just um..."I couldn't make an excuse so I gave in."FINE,I was.I mean who wouldn't fall for him,with those dark brown orbs that can suck up your soul,a smile that can light up the world and...and.."I continued."Wow wow,I get it,you don't have to say a speech."She said giggling.

"Ten!Here!"Maddie said signalling him to seat at our table."What are you doing Maddie!"I whispered to her."Oh hi,Y/N and Maddie?"Ten said when he arrived at our table.He was going to seat beside Maddie,but Maddie put her leg on the seat beside her so he had no choice but to seat beside me."This seat is not taken,right?"I shook my head.There goes bells ringing again,I was about to ask Maddie if she hears it too but before I could speak up,I was cut off by Ten.

Ten's POV

I sat beside Y/N and started eating when I heard bells ringing again.I looked around the cafeteria for the source of the sound but nothing,I decided to ask Maddie and Y/N."Do you hear bells ringing?"I asked Y/N and Maddie."Not you too,What is wrong with you guys?Are you feeling okay?"Maddie said but I was confuse."You too?"I tilted my head."I am also hearing it."Y/N interrupted me.I was about to speak up when Maddie spoke up,"Y/N!This must be the thing that your grandma tells you about."After she said that,Y/N's eyes widened.I was still in confusion."My grandma said that everyone has a soulmate and they can identify each other when they hear bells ringing when others don't."She explained to me.'So she is my sou..soulmate?'I thought."I thought it was all a tale but now I know it isn't."She continued."I think my grandmother used to say something about that too."I said.


'So he is my soulmate'I thought.Maddie interrupted my thoughts."So does that mean you guys are going to be a couple,if yes,I will be the first to support that relationship!"I shot death glares at her which made her stop talking."I am unsure about my feelings for you yet whether it is good or bad.Give me a few months."Ten said scratching the back of his neck due to the awkward situation."It's okay,Maddie was just joking."I said through my gritted teeth."Anyway,we need to get to class before we are late,which is dance."I continued while looking at the schedule on my phone.

~Dance class~

Finally!My favourite subject."Since it's the first day of school,I would like to see how good you are in freestyling.Let's start with.....Y/N"Our dance teacher said.I stood up making my way in the middle of the dance studio.Music Cue.I started dancing to the music like no one's looking.

[You are the one in grey clothes]
After the last the last beat,I ended my dance with a pose while catching my breath."As expected from my favourite pupil."He said clapping his hands.

"Let's see who's next up,ah!Ten.I heard a lot about you from your old school.They said that you were their best dancer."He continued.Ten made his way to the middle of the dance studio and started dancing.

[Ignore the back up dancers]
Wow.I could not be more astonished than I am right now.He dances better than me or our dance teacher and he is the best dancer I know.After he danced,everyone's jaws were dropped."Wow,that is the first time I saw someone who dances better than Y/N."Our dance teacher said.After everyone showed their freestyle dance,we were supposed to partner up with someone opposite gender as we were going to do a couples item.I saw Ten being alone so I decided to partner up with him."Hey,since I don't have a partner,Can I be your partner?"I asked Ten waiting for his reply,He nodded.We had one week to prepare a dance which was going to be marked.

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