The Accident pt.4

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"Yay!We are going to Bali!"I took my bags out of the trunk and waited for Maddie,who was struggling to carry her bags.She was so excited to go to Bali that she overpacked.Typical Maddie.As we entered the airport,cold air hit my skin,I regret wearing short sleeves."See I told you to wear long sleeves or bring a jacket,now you are shivering"Maddie nagged at me.We were supposed to meet up with the class at lane 8B.

When we arrived at lane 8B,everyone was there except for...Ten."Have you seen Ten?"I asked one of my classmates but she shook her head."Oh,someone's worried about someone?"Maddie said teasingly.As if on cue,I heard running footsteps,it was Ten."Sorry I'm late I was trying to get a cab."He panted heavily.Once Mdm Seo marked attendance,she gave us our flight ticket and the first thing I did was check my seat number with Maddie."Maddie,what seat nimber did you get?"She showed her ticket.'30A'I frowned."I got 27A,we are three rows apart".Our conversation was broken by a low-tone voice which belonged to none other than Ten."Oh,you're my seatmate in the flight,wow maybe we are soulmates."He giggled.'Wow great,I think I won't be able to survive this flight with someone that good-looking without me looking like a couch potato beside him.'I thought mentally slapping myself.


'...23...26..ah 27'I said to myself while looking at the row numbers.I put my luggage at the top shelf and sat down comfortably in my seat.Unknowningly,I fell asleep while waiting for the plane to take off.

Ten's POV

I was actually excited to seat beside Y/N as I could get to know her better.As I arrive at my seat,I noticed that Y/N was sleeping with her head against the window.Cute.I decided carefully seat down without interrupting her sleep.I was reading the flight guide when I felt a weight on my shoulders,I looked over my shoulder and saw Y/N sleeping peacefully.I couldn't help myself but to move away a few strands of her hair and tuck it behind her ear.I admired her face features from her tinted lips to her nose to her cheeks which was naturally tinted pink.I was interrupted when the captain announced that we were about to take off,this made Y/N to wake up and when she woke up,our faces were inches away, making me blush.


My sleep was interrupted when I heard an announcement made by the captain."We are about to take off,please ensure that your seatbelts are fastened properly...."I slowly opened my eyes and realized that my head was on something soft.'When did I bring a head pillow?'Then it hit me,it was someone's shoulder.I looked up and only inches away was Ten's face,being as red as a tomato.I quickly pulled away."Sorry,I didn't know that I fell asleep on your shoulder."by now,I think I looked like Rudolph's nose."It's fine,you were sleeping peacefully I didn't want to wake you up"He said awkwardly.

'Ding!'That meant that we can unfasten our seatbelts and move around the aircraft.I decided to watch a movie on the TV in front of me.I was happily watching when I felt a sudden drop which meant that we were experiencing turbulence.Without knowing,I held onto the closest object I could grab which was Ten's hand.I was about to apologize when another turbulence happened.Ten was shocked at first then he spoke up"It's okay,you can hold my hand as long as you want until you feel better."I responded to him with a nod as I was to scared to speak.I think I was so scared that I passed out unknowingly while holding Ten's hand.

Maddie's POV

I wanted to ask Y/N if she had a portable but when I arrived at her seat I witnessed a scene that I didn't expect.Y/N was sleeping on Ten's shoulder while Ten slept on her head and both of them were holding hands.I could not miss this event so I decided to take a picture.'Y/N now I have something to blackmail you'I thought smirking to the idea.I went back to my seat and decided to sleep for the rest of the flight.

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