See You Again Part 1

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Screams and shouting where heard as the flaming, blue haired goddess made her way down the streets of the Isle of the Lost. People ran out of the way just to not cross her path. Her name? Hadley, Goddess of the dead and chaos ... hold up let's give you a little background shall we?

Hadley is the daughter of Hades, God of the Underworld and daughter of Eris, Greek Goddess of Discord, chaos, disharmony, bad luck, evil, despair and who could forget, unhappiness (A/N: yes I know Eris is a DreamWorks villain but there is a lot of cannon between her and Hades so bare with me). Hadley gets her mischief from her mother more so her father. She is short, about 5'4", with pale skin. Hadley has peircing blue eyes that glow and swirl like fire when she's angry or useing her powers. Her hair is short,shoulder legnth, blue with white tip, that even when blowing in the wind can be mistaken for fire; her hair grows and busts into flames when her temper acts up. That's another thing she got from her father, a really short temper, red flames encase her entire body until she is able to calm down.

Hadley received a lot of extraordinary powers from her parents; she can shapeshift, control fire, teleport and you don't want to upset her, the last person to do that.. well let's just say he was blown straight to her father.

Hadley grew up on the Isle after King Beasty rounded up all the villains. Her mother never really cared for the girl, to preoccupied with making her own mischief as well as running her own realm of chaos, Tartarus, to raise the young girl. So she was stuck with her father, who in the same aspect didn't have much time for her either due to running the Underworld.

Hades sent her to live on the surface when she turned six, visiting every now and then, where she made five friends and only five. Mal daughter of Maleficent, Evie daughter of the Evil Queen, Carlos son of Cruella De Vil, and Jay son of Jafar. Together they made the core five, the most feared on the isle. People ran at the sight of them together. Evie and Hadley have been like sisters since they met.

Now that fifth friend, is someone no one would have suspected. You see, he likes water. Now water and fire do NOT mix well but these two go together like a firework and a spark, they bring balance to the other. His name? Harry Hook, son if the infamous Captain James Hook. Harry and Hadley have been friends since they were little. They met when Hadley was first brought to the isle, he was the first person to speak to her. She instantly befriended him and the two have been inseparable ever since. As the years went on Hadley grew to like Harry as more than a friend but she would never admit that. He became the only good thing in her life when she was dropped on the Isle. They all knew it, well everyone but Harry, it was impossible for her to hide. And when Evie found out she couldn't help but tell the other about it.

Ever since Hadley was little, she would climb to the roof and look out towards Auradon, the land of princes and princesses alike, with longing. She didn't want to be evil but she did whatever she had to do survive on the Isle. Often her and Evie would talk of one day getting off the Isle and going to Auradon and living happily ever after, but with the magical barrier surrounding the Isle, a dream it shall remain.

Or so they thought.

This is where Hadley's story begins. 

Hi! So this is my first ever post on this site!yay! And the first ever fic I've written and completed.  Please comment if you like it and if you want part 2!

Disclaimer:I do not own Descendants.  Hadley and the plot line between her and Harry are mine.

also credit to who ever made the image at the top!

See You Again (A Harry Hook x Reader story)Where stories live. Discover now