Part 8

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The day after Mal had given Ben the love cookies and the big win for the tourney team, Hadley sat in her eighth period class; History of Woodsmen and Pirates. They had just finished up a unit on good pirates which Hadley came in the middle of when she was brought from the isle. She came in the middle of the learning about Blackbeard. She also learned about Captain Jack Sparrow, even though some people believe he is bad he did live on the isle for a short time before he was pardoned by king beast and was free to sail.

"Okay class settle down" Mr. Collins said when he walked in the room.

Mr. Collins was a middle aged man with a large gut and a slight bald spot in the back of his head. He wore a pair of thick rimmed glasses that sat over a crooked nose. He took a stack of papers out of his briefcase and started passing them out.

"Today we start our unit on villan pirates. I am passing out a small quiz for today's pirate. Answer as much as you can. Return It to my desk when you are done."

Hadley looked down at the paper placed on her desk and her heart skipped a beat.

Pop Quiz on Captain Hook

What is Captain Hook's full name?

Captain James Hook

Name Captain Hook's first mate.

Mr. Smee

What are Captain Hook's crimes?

Murder ( he threw a crew member overboard after he wouldn't shut up)

Attempted murder ( tried to kill Peter Pan, Wendy and the Lost Boys)

Kidnapping ( Tinkerbell and the Native American princess Tiger Lily)

Manipulation ( Tinkerbell)

Where did Captain Hook sail before being put on the Isle of the Lost?

Neverland, just off the coast near Mermaid lagoon and Skull Rock.

What is the name of the crocodile that ate his hand?


What is the name of Captain Hook's ship and where does it reside now?

The Jolly Rodger now resides ship wrecked on the Isle of the Lost just off the opposite coast. It serves home to his family of three children and him.

Hadley was the first one done due to her extensive knowledge on the infamous Capitan thanks to Harry. She smiled at the memories of when she and Harry would stay up late on the beach of the Isle and tell stories of their parents past and laugh at how they always went wrong. She stood and walked over to Mr. Collins desk, handing him the paper with a light smile. Gotta blend in right?

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