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A cool breeze swept through Harry's hair as he sat in the Crows nest of the Lost Revenge. Uma had put him on look out duty for the night, which he was grateful for even if he didn't want to admit it. Harry knew that after the events of the coronation he wouldn't be able to sleep. He was sat down against the flimsy railing twisting his hook in his hands. His pirates hat was strewn to the side after hours of raking his fingers through his hair.

Sitting up there in isolation gave him time to think about a lot of things. The biggest thing was how he could see Hadley again. He knew it was impossible to get off the island, unless you were invited to Auradon or if the barrier broke again, but he still tried to think of ways. Harry was also relieved for the peace, after Mal and the others declared their goodness, Uma ranted about how they were all traitors and boasted about becoming the most feared person on the Isle with Mal gone. Harry couldn't care less,traitor or not, all he wanted was to see Hadley again. His head shot up when he caught something glowing on the other side of the inky black water. It looked small and it flickered like a star in the sky, but it was bright. Way to bright to be a star and it was too close to the ground. Looking around for the spyglass Harry fumbled over himself before extending it all the way and pointing it towards the beach.

His breath hitched as the spyglass settled on a girl her glowing blue hair blowing with the sea breeze, shoes dropped by her feet and the hem of her blue and white dress drenched from the tide. She appears to be singing, but Harry couldn't make out what she was saying. His breathing quickened and he almost dropped his hook off the railing, but caught it just right, causing the silver metal of the hook to reflect the moonlight brightly. He quickly looked back to see her blow a kiss towards the isle. She mouthed something Harry couldn't understand, but he saw, clear as day, her utter the words 'I promise'. The same words that had run through his head all day and night. Maybe there was hope of seeing her again. Maybe he would get to finally tell her what he feels for her. Maybe, just maybe, for him there was hope. He watched as she walked forward a bit and  disappeared in a cloud of grey smoke.

He sank back against the railing, sighing as he did. He resumed twisting his hook in his hands and whistling a tune until he look to the side and smirked.

"Wha'? You didn't think this was the end of the story did ya?" He cackled.

Disclaimer: i do not own the video used in this part all credit goes to its rightful owner

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